Wisepilot experience:
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If tried the application, and, it works most of the time reliable.
The following of the map is smooth, and, if you have the license you have your maps offline availible on the SD card. You will be noticed of speed traps, even if you have not started navigation to destination point - This I like very much.
much better then telmap (less sluggish user interface), and offline maps.
However, when it comes to licensing it is as worse as most others:
You can buy a license for "lifetime". If you add all features, a "lifetime" license will be about 70 to 80 Euros.
However, the license, even if it is sold to you, it is a license which is tied to the handheld and Appello refuses to transfer it to a different device.
This is for me an absolute no-go. For as low as 100E you can get a stand-alone navigation device - with also a "lifetime" license.
If my phone breaks, gets lost, stolen, or I simply buy a new one, I would expect that I am able to use a software licensed to me on the new device. Ok, if there is a transfer charge. But I dont accept I have to buy a new license.
So, a very nice program, but, think twice about when you buy, how long you expect to use your Blackberry.