Originally Posted by aiharkness
I would advise staying with OS 5 on the 9700. OS 6 will take away from resources without much benefit, in my opinion. Also, if you are used to keyboard shortcuts and so forth, you will miss a great deal going to 6.
No opinion on hybrids. My advice is try the official OS releases and see if you can tell any differences and go with what works best. Delete the apps you don't need, and only install what you really need. With that you should be more than happy.
On the battery, it is better not to run the battery down. Don't do it if you don't have to. Charge when you can, like when you are sleeping.
Posted via BlackBerryForums.com Mobile
I've heard there are memory drain issues with os 6. I don't have internet at home and I tried to download the newest os 5 with my BB but it says I'm forbidden..lol
Battery: so don't let it completely die? I let my Curve do it a couple times. Does it do any harm?
Posted via BlackBerryForums.com Mobile