02-20-2011, 10:10 AM
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Suspicous, old email delivered to BB, not to email acct; security features disabled
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Help - I'm a regular user of my Blackberry Curve 8900 and never have used a community board before. I'm not a technical person, just someone who loves BB. I've been having a weird issue, that I think is security related.
Here's the problem: I continue receiving one particular email to my Blackberry 8900 that I had received in 2007 on my Yahoo account. It was legit in 2007 (and is still saved in my Yahoo acct), but not now. I received it a couple times before and deleted it, thinking it was some sort of virus or malware that got ahold of my friend's account. But it continues happening - I have three now - one from today (Feb 20, 2011), one from 2/18/11, and from 10/14/11. The person that sent it in 2007 told me she hasn't accidentally resent it, nor does it show up in her sent box as being sent to me again.
This morning, when I woke up, I turned my Blackberry on, and saw a blank email. Literally, an email with no sender's name on it and nothing showing up on the line. I assumed it was spam, so I turned on my laptop and looked at my Yahoo account to mark it. Didn't see it, so I looked at my Blackberry and the blank email turned into the name of my friend who sent the email in 2007 as well as the same title, "Coming back" (I'm assuming it's the same email, I just don't open them and look any more. Initially, I would turn my BB signal off, and open the email, then close and mark unread and turn the signal back on. That's how I know it's was the same email as 2007, but as I said, I don't even open them any more).
What has really alarmed me, is I just looked at my security on my BB (don't really know what I'm doing) and my firewall was on "disabled." I just enabled it.
Can anyone help me here? What the heck is going on?
Finally, should I just wipe the whole thing and restart the whole process from square one? That seems a bit extreme, which is why I'm turning to you all for help.
Thank you,
A perplexed, concerned user
Last edited by VAuser; 02-20-2011 at 10:44 AM..
Reason: grammar and corrections
02-20-2011, 11:05 AM
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Re: Suspicous, old email delivered to BB, not to email acct; security features disabl
On what you've posted, I wouldn't be alarmed. Generally speaking, Webmail accounts for some reason will hiccup and resend old email, even email you've deleted. It's happened to me with Windows Live email and I've read posts about it happening with google.
The difference in your case is that it's one particular email, and it keeps being resent. I haven't read of that before. Still, I wouldn't be alarmed. It would be nice to know how to stop it, but I don't think there is any reason to be worried.
One other thing, on that blank message, are you sure you didn't accidently click compose and the message is a saved draft?
Posted via BlackBerryForums.com Mobile
Last edited by aiharkness; 02-20-2011 at 11:07 AM..
02-20-2011, 11:27 AM
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Re: Suspicous, old email delivered to BB, not to email acct; security features disabl
aiharkness, thanks for your reply. It's definitely not a draft message - my drafts are green icons, whereas this had the icon of an unopened yellow envelope (like my other emails). Interesting about repeating emails. I hope that's it. I initially looked under security and saw both firewall and content protection disabled - and I thought that they were somehow remotely disabled by virus or malware, but have since figured out that both are defaulted disabled. Still, it's probably a good practice for me to keep them enabled.
Anyway, I appreciate your thoughts, and would like to hear if anyone has any others.
Thanks again.
02-20-2011, 12:31 PM
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Re: Suspicous, old email delivered to BB, not to email acct; security features disabl
I get those "blank" messages on one of my Yahoo accounts on my BlackBerry all the time. I attribute it to a server glitch. Always precedes a read message being sent. Doesn't seem to be anything nefarious to me.
03-20-2011, 07:13 AM
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Re: Suspicous, old email delivered to BB, not to email acct; security features disabl
I have had the same problem and have not found a solution other than to delete the email account from my Blackberry. However, every time I add it back, the same problem occurs. Has anyone been able to fix the problem?