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Old 05-09-2009, 01:45 AM   #1
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Question Can GPS Nav. work in China?

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Actually I have not got a BB yet. That's why I am here, I want to know which one I should I buy. I am not asking about the model. I want to know more detail about some functions.

I want a model with WiFi and GPS. But when I am checking the GPS function on the official web, it says that BlackBerry Maps do not have business map information in China. I think the 'biz map' is about where can I find a restaurant, a bar, or something like that. But can I use the navigation function in China? I mean, if I get lost, will the GPS guide me to where I want? Does it contain map information for China? And how detail are those maps?

Old 05-09-2009, 02:16 AM   #2
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The GPS will work in China but map info will depend on what program you use.

Google Maps worked fine for me in Hong Kong and Singapore.
Old 05-09-2009, 08:30 AM   #3
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I know the GPS will show me the point where I am. But how about the roads? Will the navigation function guide me then way?
Old 05-09-2009, 10:02 AM   #4
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As the other responder noted, what maps or data (restaurants, hotels, sites, roads) are shown would depend entirely on the software application you use. I don't know but would guess that China might be more restrictive than some countries on data and gps use. So you clearly would have to do some inquiries.

There are two programs that might help although not necessarily with turn-by-turn or vocal instructions. Trekbuddy and MobileGMaps (NOT google) both allow you to compile maps on your computer and load them to the BB. Then the gps would spot you on those maps and you could navigate like the old days using the map and your location. Now, again, does China have mapping data of the cities or areas where you will be online?
Old 05-10-2009, 12:10 AM   #5
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Thanks a lot. China have enough map information for the cities, but I am not sure if they could work with BB. But I heard google map can work with A-GPS on the mobiles, I think this would help me.

But unfortunately, no BB could work in China, unless cracked...I am not sure if should get a cracked BB or other.
Old 05-31-2009, 02:30 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by davidshen84 View Post
But unfortunately, no BB could work in China, unless cracked...I am not sure if should get a cracked BB or other.
I've heard this many times before and even believed it at some stage, but I can prove it wrong - I have a standard unlocked Vodafone BlackBerry 8310 from the UK that is running fine on China Mobile with no problems and I'm not even in a major city (about 400km west of Shanghai). Though I need some GPS software for my phone that will work here.
Old 06-16-2009, 03:01 AM   #7
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I have an unlocked Vodafone Blackberry Bold in Shanghai. No problems with it or GPS. I use Google Maps, it downloads maps in Chinese. (I heard Google used to have English maps during the Olympics, but now only has Chinese accessible here.) I can't read Chinese easily and quickly, but here are some tips on using Google Maps (it rocks!):

1. the app runs in English, only the maps/street names/landmarks/subway is in Chinese. so the app itself is very usable.
2. I'm surprised at how useful even Chinese maps are. I can find my way around easily -- Shanghai is really not built on a "grid" type road system -- so I can tell where I am by the shapes of roads. The big name streets I can read Nanjing Lu, Huaihai Lu, and you should learn the major roads wherever you are in local language anyway.
3. Taxi drivers can read the maps and take you where you want to go. This is a key feature -- how to communicate destinations with taxi drivers is an issue.
4. BIG TIP: by moving your cursor and clicking on the map (on the Bold I use the trackball), a menu pops up. At the top of the menu, the Google Map app loads the location's address in Pinyin/English. So, while you can't get the map in Pinyin/English, you can get specific locations. Which fits my needs 95% of the time.
5. Google Maps has a cool traffic function that helps keep me out of traffic jams. I've had good luck with its accuracy during rush hour.

So I give Google Maps in China a rating of 4 out of 5 Shao Long Bao. It would get 5 if it were selectable in English...

I also use GPS logger to track path data, elevation, speed, etc. when I'm in a geeky mood.

But Google Maps is your answer.
Old 01-30-2011, 10:52 AM   #8
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Default Re: Can GPS Nav. work in China?

Originally Posted by davidshen84 View Post

Actually I have not got a BB yet. That's why I am here, I want to know which one I should I buy. I am not asking about the model. I want to know more detail about some functions.

I want a model with WiFi and GPS. But when I am checking the GPS function on the official web, it says that BlackBerry Maps do not have business map information in China. I think the 'biz map' is about where can I find a restaurant, a bar, or something like that. But can I use the navigation function in China? I mean, if I get lost, will the GPS guide me to where I want? Does it contain map information for China? And how detail are those maps?

David, you must have a BB data plan and a connection to RIM for any BB service to work, including BB Maps. Maps are downloaded when you need them and not stored on the device. As for map data in China, I can't help you there.
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