Just due to get my Daughter new Bold 9780 in the morning and i want to upgrade the MICRO SD card from 2 GB that comes with it to either 16GB or 32GB to store her more music etc , i was hoping to get some suggestions on which is the best make and fastest capacity..etc etc with the BOLD 9780
Thanks for your help
from a Newbie!
Advise downloading the manual online and seeing what it says. I just checked the help app on my device 9700/ and it only gives the max size supported (32GB) but doesn't say anything about speed class.
I've been buying only sandisk SD and microSD cards, but used other brands in the old flash card days. I guess I really don't have an opinion on brand.....I'd buy whatever is on sale at Amazon or WalMart or Sam's, or pick your favorite source. Posted via BlackBerryForums.com Mobile