Bluetooth headsets - Help me narrow it down
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Hi All,
Gaah! I'm getting so confused with information overload, and I'm hoping to narrow it down. Too many reviews, too many opinions.
I have a Bold 9700..
What's important to me:
1. A2DP streaming of Blackberry media.
2. Speech to Text, for incoming caller id and reply answer or ignore.
3. Comfortable, easily put on with one hand, and stays put.
4. Good Voice Recognition.
I currently have a Jabra BT8040, and a Jawbone Prime.
Jabra 8040: Pros: Voice Recognition very good. Plays BB MP3s.
Cons: No optional ear hook, Earbud/loop I need 2 hands and a mirror to put it on, Comfortable only if with the small size ear loop which falls out.
Jawbone Prime: Pros: Comfortable and easily put on.
Cons: No A2DP BB media, Voice Recognition is so bad it's actually hilarious. ("Call Peggy". Did you say Call Allison? No. Did you say Call Bob? No! Did you say Call Frank? .. No!!)
Your suggestions/recommendations?
Thanks in advance..