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Old 12-10-2010, 11:36 AM   #1
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Thumbs up GPS Voice Navigator ?

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I have just bought my first blackberry Bold 9780, I was sold it thinking it has what i was explained as a built in Sat nav,

I have spent hours playing around on the Maps, I can get it to show me the Directions to one point to aother but how do i go about making it voice acitive?

I was told it was built in the Phone like a Tom Tom is this right?

Please can some one help me out on this and let me know how to turn it on or what i need to download to do this.

If i do need to download i would pefer a free/cheap doww load.

Just passed my driving test so this could really help me out

Old 12-10-2010, 12:20 PM   #2
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Default Re: GPS Voice Navigator ?

You were misinformed. The device has GPS built in and generally ships with BB Maps, but some carriers will block it. Or you can like many and install Google Maps or similar application. In any case you will need a BB data plan as maps are downloaded as used and not stored on the device.

The only voice command and auto reroute software that I know of is the packages that the carriers provide for a monthly fee. See the yellow sticky at the top of the GPS section for reviews of most GPS map applications.

IMHO, if you are a new driver, then you should not be using a BB for navigation and the distraction it causes. If you really need it, get a stand alone GPS device such as Garmin or TomTom.

And please update your profile to include your cell carrier. It helps to know that when you have problems.
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Old 12-12-2010, 08:41 PM   #3
Iare Tosevite
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Default Re: GPS Voice Navigator ?

I own tomtom (bought black friday last year) and I love it. Definitely worth the money.
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