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Old 10-12-2010, 01:48 PM   #1
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Default Want to track myself via waypoints on a map, suggestions?

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New to the forum, very cool forum you have here. I have learned a lot about my phone already. Ill give a bit of background first. I am a service technician that travels from account to account doing repairs. I do quite a few stops a day, and our current system at work has me writing down my mileage at every stop then mailing it in at the end of the week. This is somewhat cumbersome and very paper-intensive. We all have blackberries.

I had a thought, and wondered if it was feasible. I wanted to set something up so I could literally plot myself on a map and have it calculate mileage between stops for me. Say for example I start at point A, then drive to point B. I could then put a flag of some sort on the map with the company name I stopped at first. I could then indicate that I am going to point C, and do the same from there. I would like it to tally my mileage in between each stop instead of a cumulative number at the end of the day. The IRS requires us to be VERY detailed in tracking all this information now. Ideally I could then send this "list" of way points and mileage to my boss on every Friday for his use.

I know it is a lot to ask for but is this something that can be done for a reasonable amount of money?

Thanks guys.

Old 10-24-2010, 02:04 PM   #2
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bbtracker will do some of the things you need. Try it out.
However, I think it is easier to just remember for yourself the endpoints, and then use google maps to calculate the mileage off-line.
Old 10-24-2010, 03:36 PM   #3
Motorcycle Mama
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This might be an option. Have no idea if it's any good.

VQ MilageTracker - BlackBerry Mileage Tracking App uses GPS to track mileage
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