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Old 03-10-2009, 09:55 AM   #1
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Default Silly Question on WES 2009

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I am looking on going this year ( Never went )
There are a couple of things i would like to know. If I buy the 1799$ pass what does this allow me to attend ? must i register to the shows i want to attend or will i be given a agenda and i will choose the session i want to to go to ?

if i go on their site the Full Conferance Pass gets me to this : is this the 1799$ one ?

Full Conference Pass
May 5-7, 2009

A full conference pass gets you into:

Monday Evening Welcome Reception
Keynotes and Breakout Sessions
WES Party
Solutions Showcase, Ask the Experts, and Demo Theater

Access to session presentations onsite and after WES
Complimentary breakfast and lunch Tuesday to Thursday
Register for WES 2009 before the Special Rate deadline and save US $200! WES 2008 and BlackBerry Developer Conference attendees also qualify for an additional US $100 Alumni discount.

Thanks for the newbie Info
Old 03-10-2009, 12:12 PM   #2
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Hi Jasmur1

Lucky you...going to WES.
You're going to have a great time!

To make sure you register for exactly what you want - you should call the registration number on their website. WES 2009: Registration

Here are the phone numbers:
In North America: 1-877-645-9324
International: +1-770-592-1521

The reps answering the phones are VERY helpful and may be able to give you a discount code.
Old 03-11-2009, 07:03 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by jasmur1 View Post
I am looking on going this year ( Never went )
There are a couple of things i would like to know. If I buy the 1799$ pass what does this allow me to attend ? must i register to the shows i want to attend or will i be given a agenda and i will choose the session i want to to go to ?

if i go on their site the Full Conferance Pass gets me to this : is this the 1799$ one ?

Full Conference Pass
May 5-7, 2009

A full conference pass gets you into:

Monday Evening Welcome Reception
Keynotes and Breakout Sessions
WES Party
Solutions Showcase, Ask the Experts, and Demo Theater

Access to session presentations onsite and after WES
Complimentary breakfast and lunch Tuesday to Thursday
Register for WES 2009 before the Special Rate deadline and save US $200! WES 2008 and BlackBerry Developer Conference attendees also qualify for an additional US $100 Alumni discount.

Thanks for the newbie Info
Nothing wrong with asking a question.
For your $1799, you get to participate in EVERYTHING WES 2009 except for the Hands-on Labs, the Monday & Friday ADMIN 5.0 training and the certification exams.
The individual tracks and sessions within the tracks are all inclusive. You are not required to register or reserve a spot. Simply show up at the designated meeting room at the appropriate time, let them scan your badge barcode (provided when you get to WES) and you're in. That's it. If the session doesn't really meet your need once you get in, get up and walk out.

I'm sure the WES 2009 website will post the specifics as it gets closer. There will probabaly be an online tool where you can pick the sessions you want and it will create the schedule for you.

Hope to see you there!
6-Time BlackBerry World Champion (2007-2012)
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Old 03-12-2009, 12:02 AM   #4
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The only problem you'll end up having is that you'll double-book a few sessions that are happening at the same time. Unfortunately, that's just the way it is with these events. During last year's conference, we were able to install a WES version of Viigo and connect back to our WES online schedule to get an RSS feed of our events. Quite nifty and we don't have to rely on our calendar (although I used both).
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.
Old 03-12-2009, 02:39 PM   #5
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there are also codes that will reduce the cost by $300.
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Old 03-13-2009, 11:19 AM   #6
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Originally Posted by AlanM View Post
there are also codes that will reduce the cost by $300.

Yep got that too

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