Accepting iCalendar invitations on BB9700
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I have a Bold 9700. I'm running the GMail app for my work, and my Hotmail goes to the regular Inbox. My calendar is synced with my Google calendar through the Google Sync App.
A lot of my colleagues use Macs - and I get a lot of "iCal event invitations". They arrive with the ".ics" file - but I cannot accept them on the BB direct from GMail. If I try to open the file, it just says "Attachment could not be displayed".
I can go to my PC, open the mail there in Gmail, and then accept it onto my Google calendar - which then syncs to the BB - or I can forward the mail to myself at Hotmail, where it appears in my regular BB inbox and works fine. But it does not work from Gmail. Is there a plug-in or setting on the BB that will allow me to accept "ics" invitations direct from the Gmail App?
Thanks - and sorry if this question is a bit basic. I'm new to Blackberry and clueless on Macs!
Last edited by Thermidor; 07-19-2010 at 04:47 AM..