I'll try to keep this as brief as possible.
I've owned BBs since 2003, 5 already. They've been a great tool for helping me to run a business.
I had been overdue for my "free" upgrade (which actually cost $50 + a ridiculous amount of my time, as you're about to read) for several months, but I really liked my World Edition. Only issue was the convenience key died a long time ago and the trackball had the standard problems - but I was adept at cleaning/correcting it easily.
So I drive to the Sprint store (40 minutes each way for me), and get the new Style. Cool, now I have a camera too.
Because I work a combination of retail and on the road, I've LOVED the fact that ALL my previous BBs would recognize when they're in the holster. I could have a very faint ringtone while I'm talking to customers in my store, and the phone is in my holster. Then, when I hit the road, I could toss the BB on my passenger seat and crank up my radio. If the phone rang, I had a loud musical ringtone that allowed me to hear it.
So anyhow, my new Style has settings for having the ringtone off while in the holster and on while not. What sucks is that I can't set it to have 2 different ringtones, but I can live with that. If I could get it to just vibrate while in the holster, then "scream" at me when out of the holster, I'd be fine with that.
I set my new Style as needed, but it won't recognize it's in the holster. Now, I was originally using the heavy-duty holster I had bought for my World Edition. Perhaps the magenet wasn't in the right place, I thought. So, I go online and spend $30 on the official BB holster that Sprint sells for the Style. That holster arrives, same problem. I call the Sprint store. They explain it no longer even uses a magnetic switch - a light sensor is now used instead.
I dink around trying every possible setting for a good hour. Nothing works. I drive back to the Sprint store. They dink around with it. Nothing works. I find out there is already an update for my phone (this is after I've had it for 5 or 6 days). I wind up spending 2 hours in the store while they do the update. Same problem. Still won't recognize it's in the holster.
I go online and contact customer support. I get a response telling me to do everything I've already tried. They then tell me to exchange the phone.
I drive back to the Sprint store last night (on the 2-week anniversary of my new Style). Spend over an hour getting the new phone all set up (but no updates - I'm doing those now on one of the pc's at my store). Same crap. Still won't recognize when it's in my official BB Style holster. I ask the girl who waited on me what to do now. "I dunno", was all I got.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I'm really missing my World Edition now and thinking this Style was a huge mistake, though I like everything else about the Style so far. It didn't take me long to get used to it, though the battery charge doesn't last as long as any of my other BBs did - which I read someone else posted about here as well. I can live with that. Just make the darn thing be able to know when it's in the holster