09-14-2006, 11:16 PM
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Originally Posted by ggoodale
Hmm. Are you receiving any traffic at all after you connect? Is the 'Received' bar on the Internet Connect window moving at all?
One other question - what kind of coverage did you have when you tried to connect?
thanks for responding.. sometimes i send some traffic from "send" but never from "received." i'm either in 3 or 5 bar area.. my friend gets it work everytime with his powerbook..
on the "bluetooth mobile phone setup" page do you leave username, password, and GPRS CID string blank? because there are no instructions for that part..
i have no idea what i'm doing wrong
09-15-2006, 02:39 AM
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Originally Posted by husef9926
Will this work on the Cingular network? I have an unlocked pearl that i'm using with cingular... what are the network settings if I can do this on Cingular? Thanks.
I'm reasonably certain the script will work on Cingular, but I don't know what APN you'd use to connect. If some other Cingular user can chime in with their APN setting for a non-Pearl BlackBerry, you can be the first Cingular guinea pig. 
09-15-2006, 02:44 AM
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Originally Posted by rebelde
thanks for responding.. sometimes i send some traffic from "send" but never from "received." i'm either in 3 or 5 bar area.. my friend gets it work everytime with his powerbook..
on the "bluetooth mobile phone setup" page do you leave username, password, and GPRS CID string blank? because there are no instructions for that part..
i have no idea what i'm doing wrong
You're right, I did leave that part out of my directions. I'll update them. You'll want to use the following settings:
* Username, Password: blank
* GPRS CID String: *99***1#
Try that, and let me know if it works.
09-15-2006, 10:30 AM
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Here are my results on EDGE:
On GPRS it's more like 30 kb/s down and 4 kb/s up.
Thank you for this modem script! This has pretty much just convinced me to keep the Pearl over the SK3 I was testing out.
09-15-2006, 10:33 AM
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Originally Posted by ggoodale
You're right, I did leave that part out of my directions. I'll update them. You'll want to use the following settings:
* Username, Password: blank
* GPRS CID String: *99***1#
Try that, and let me know if it works.
hi and thanks again for the help. so i tried the above and i get connected as usual but it disconnects and even when i am connected i can't get anything to load. i've tried the Mail program and Safari and nothing loads and then it disconnects.
also in the Bluetooth Config. in Internet Connect i type exactly what your instruction say and after it disconnects the password field has more dots than the word "guest". it adds characters.. i don't know if that could be a problem or not. i've also tried mytmobile.com username and password in those fields but i end up with the same result.
i never have any bars in the "send" or "receive" areas.
any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.
09-15-2006, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by rebelde
hi and thanks again for the help. so i tried the above and i get connected as usual but it disconnects and even when i am connected i can't get anything to load. i've tried the Mail program and Safari and nothing loads and then it disconnects.
That's odd. If Internet Connect says you've connected, then my script's done its thing. You're with T-Mobile, right? On one of the BlackBerry Unlimited plans? Have you been able to use any phone as a modem with T-Mobile before?
also in the Bluetooth Config. in Internet Connect i type exactly what your instruction say and after it disconnects the password field has more dots than the word "guest". it adds characters.. i don't know if that could be a problem or not.
That's not a problem - it's just an OS X security measure to hide how long your password is once you've entered it.
i've also tried mytmobile.com username and password in those fields but i end up with the same result.
I don't believe the username and password are actually checked by T-Mobile - their equipment just expects you to send something.
i never have any bars in the "send" or "receive" areas.
any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.
At this point, I'm at a loss. If you're comfortable with some more technical debugging tricks, PM me and we'll see if we can figure this out.
09-15-2006, 06:13 PM
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Works great !
Connected to internet with new 8100 Pearl (Tmobile) through my basic MacBook and it works like a champ! Thanks for sharing this information with us.
09-15-2006, 10:24 PM
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Originally Posted by ggoodale
That's odd. If Internet Connect says you've connected, then my script's done its thing. You're with T-Mobile, right? On one of the BlackBerry Unlimited plans? Have you been able to use any phone as a modem with T-Mobile before?
That's not a problem - it's just an OS X security measure to hide how long your password is once you've entered it.
I don't believe the username and password are actually checked by T-Mobile - their equipment just expects you to send something.
At this point, I'm at a loss. If you're comfortable with some more technical debugging tricks, PM me and we'll see if we can figure this out.
the username & pw may NOT be checked but 2 years ago when I did Tier2 support outsourced here in Toronto, ON ... when the HP H6315 was released there where ALL KINDS of issues on ALL APN's because of a software implementation on the GGSN called WhipCore!
Can any customer contact BB Support level and ask if WhipCore is implemented (it uses IMEI's that is set for Tmobile USA devices - not ALL phones but a specific models I believe). If nobody can update us on this then I'll try to email an old friend regarding this.
09-15-2006, 10:57 PM
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Will it work with a 7130c?
I am pretty annoyed that I have JUST today swapped the 8700c for the 7130c, sent in my rebate form, and now I find out that the BB Pearl will do ALL the things I told the Cingular corporate store I wanted. They never mentioned it! So I am stuck with it.
Will your modem machinations work with it and my Powerbook?
Second ... I have not gotten PocketMac to sync with my OSX address book correctly - it sort of worked the first time, now crashes halfway and turns off the BB every other time. Thus, I have only managed to achieve a BB with no email addresses, and a OS X address book with duplicated entries and screwed up or deleted data fields. Has anyone really gotten it to work. I mean really?
Third, I was testing out the 8700c and the Email Reconciliation option could be set to on or off. On switching to the 7130c that screen is completely blank! I use the POP3 YAHOO mail. Have I done or not done something wrong.
Advice appreciated. Thought it might be more polite to post my three queries here rather than spread myself all over the forums ...
The Gal
09-16-2006, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by galfromdownunder
I am pretty annoyed that I have JUST today swapped the 8700c for the 7130c, sent in my rebate form, and now I find out that the BB Pearl will do ALL the things I told the Cingular corporate store I wanted. They never mentioned it! So I am stuck with it.
Will your modem machinations work with it and my Powerbook?
Second ... I have not gotten PocketMac to sync with my OSX address book correctly - it sort of worked the first time, now crashes halfway and turns off the BB every other time. Thus, I have only managed to achieve a BB with no email addresses, and a OS X address book with duplicated entries and screwed up or deleted data fields. Has anyone really gotten it to work. I mean really?
Third, I was testing out the 8700c and the Email Reconciliation option could be set to on or off. On switching to the 7130c that screen is completely blank! I use the POP3 YAHOO mail. Have I done or not done something wrong.
Advice appreciated. Thought it might be more polite to post my three queries here rather than spread myself all over the forums ...
The Gal
I can't speak to your other two questions, but the modem script won't work with the 7130c - it lacks the proper bluetooth support for the Dial-Up Networking profile, I believe.
09-16-2006, 01:06 PM
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Pocketmac does not currently work with the 8100, they are working on a new version so it will work.
09-16-2006, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by galfromdownunder
I am pretty annoyed that I have JUST today swapped the 8700c for the 7130c, sent in my rebate form, and now I find out that the BB Pearl will do ALL the things I told the Cingular corporate store I wanted. They never mentioned it! So I am stuck with it.
Why would Cingular mention the 8100? They can't sell it to you. T-Mobile has an exclusive on it at the moment.
Originally Posted by galfromdownunder
Will your modem machinations work with it and my Powerbook?
No, the 8100 is the only BlackBerry that is capable of being used as a Bluetooth modem out of the box. SharkModem does have a BETA that allows other models with BT to be used as a modem, but its Windows only.
Originally Posted by galfromdownunder
Third, I was testing out the 8700c and the Email Reconciliation option could be set to on or off. On switching to the 7130c that screen is completely blank! I use the POP3 YAHOO mail. Have I done or not done something wrong.
Did you go to the Cingular BIS website and change the IMEI and PIN numbers. If not, your BIS account is still trying to send your messages to your 8700c.
09-17-2006, 12:13 PM
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The cingular connection info in Internet Connect is:
Telephone Number WAP.CINGULAR
Account Name: ![[email address]](?emailimage=926ba5063332a843f899526b95997cb8)
Password: CINGULAR1
it works just fine. I am just now trying the new script as the first one worked but was pretty slow.
EDIT: The new script is MUCH better. It works great on Cingular
09-18-2006, 08:18 AM
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since this is bluetooth, will it work on the 8700 series at all?
09-18-2006, 04:47 PM
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Originally Posted by pspiegel
since this is bluetooth, will it work on the 8700 series at all?
Sadly, no. The 8700 series doesn't have the necessary bluetooth profile for this script to work.
09-18-2006, 06:38 PM
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Wow this is really cool. All we need now is someone to write a script for a 7130e tethered through a usb cable. 
09-21-2006, 10:08 AM
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Works great. NOTE: I had to set wap.voicestream.com / wap / (black) on the phone under TCP but guest / guest in OSX under Internet Connect... go figure.
Speed Test ( broadband » Speed tests - to Miami FL):
59 down / 6 up. Aka, pretty slow... but usable! Oddly enough, 125 dn / 7 up via speakeasy / NYC.
Last edited by dmoffitt; 09-21-2006 at 10:14 AM..
09-23-2006, 12:27 AM
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Originally Posted by otimk
Thanks for the instruction but for some reason it works only for a few minutes and then it looses connection. Bluetooth stays on but it alway looses the modem connection after few minutes. Does this happen to you? I'm using BB Pearl and PB G4 V10.4.7.
Make sure in PPP options, it's not set to auto-disconnect after 10 minutes.
09-23-2006, 12:28 AM
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Also, I'm trying to adapt this to use an 8700 physically tethered. Anybody getting any luck with this?
09-23-2006, 04:18 PM
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Worked Like a charm. I'm surprised actually. Very few things work for me. But this has been great. Surfing on my ibook, 35 minutes and counting, with no problem.
ggoodale, I thank you.