Originally Posted by krzywhtboi
ok so ive read this whole thing. i feel like a complete retard because i still cant figure it out. could some one maybe email me with step by step on what to do. heres what i have.....
brand new macbook pro with version 10.5.6
blackberry pearl 8110 through at&t (usa)
for things saying "pearl 8100" will those work on my phone?
is it just the 8100 specifically or the 8100 series?
now i got the blackberry.ccl in the correct modem scrips folder but it didnt do anything. it was just the folder.
please help the slow one.....lol
I have a 10.5.7 and found that there was a RIM modem script already there. Maybe it was from the Desktop Manager for Mac that I installed ... try that.
See my images attached. They show how things are supposed to go.
I am surfing right now and uploaded those images via my BB 8220.
This is the Network area.
This is the advanced modem area.
Please find attached modem script. Take of the .txt extension and stick it in a folder called RIM or such.
Hope that helps.