09-12-2006, 10:23 PM
BlackBerry God
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Jibi's Secret Place
Model: 8900
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Posts: 11,310
BES 4.1 SP2 for Microsoft Exchange - Now Available
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Wow, didn't see this one coming so soon.
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Functional Changes
support for a WLAN-only environment
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2 and later, you can create a BlackBerry Enterprise Server environment that supports only WLAN-enabled BlackBerry devices.
See the BlackBerry Enterprise Server in a WLAN-only Environment Version 4.1.2 Installation Guide Supplement for more information.
improved database error reporting
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, in certain circumstances (for example, if the Microsoft® SQL Server database becomes too large), transaction deadlocks are reported in the log files.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2 and later, if transaction deadlocks or timeouts occur, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server tries to reconnect, with an increasing delay between attempts, to a default
maximum of five attempts.
You can also change the default maximum number of retry attempts. Perform the following actions:
1. On the computer on which you installed the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, start the Registry Editor.
2. In the left pane, browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\Database\
3. Create the DWORD value CommandRetryCount.
4. Type a new value for the number of attempts, or type 0 for unlimited attempts.
(SDR 91189)
ability to limit the number of error messages when database connection failures occur
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2 and later, when the connection to the BlackBerry Configuration Database drops, error messages are now logged every 60 seconds at trace level 6.
You can also change the default error message interval. Perform the following actions:
1. On the computer on which you installed the BlackBerry Enterprise Server or a BlackBerry component, start the Registry Editor.
2. In the left pane, browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\Logging Info\<component>\
3. Create the DWORD value EventLogTimeThreshold.
4. Type a new value, in seconds.
(SDR 90217)
new confirmation dialog for changed encryption types
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1, you could change the encryption type (for example, from Triple DES to AES) without confirming the change.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, a confirmation dialog appears when you change the encryption type. This dialog warns you that users are not be permitted to send or receive messages until they insert their BlackBerry device in the cradle or generate a new encryption key wirelessly.
(SDR 85213)
more descriptive BlackBerry Dispatcher logging
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and earlier, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server log files incorrectly displayed that the BlackBerry Dispatcher shut down the BlackBerry Synchronization Service when the SRP connection terminated unexpectedly (for example, [30149] (10/04 12:57:55):{0x8D0} [WART] (S16662470:C1,agent_sync)( shutting down 0x01d1bf90).
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2 and later, the BlackBerry Dispatcher log files display that the SRP connection has disconnected.
(SDR 83130)
ability to look up BlackBerry devices on a Wi-Fi network
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and earlier, users could not look up network type information on the BlackBerry device when on a Wi-Fi® network.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2 and later, users can look up Wi-Fi network information on the BlackBerry device.
(SDR 83048)
consolidated database tools
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2 and later, the DBCopyData tool now contains the functionality of the DBMerge tool.
(SDR 82344, SDR 88836, SDR 88935)
ability to set the enterprise activation password expiration time beyond 48 hours
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and earlier, the maximum expiry period for an enterprise activation password was 48 hours.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, you can set the enterprise activation password to expire beyond a 48-hour period.
(SDR 81156)
additional carrier information reported for BlackBerry devices
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2 and later, the BlackBerry Synchronization Service now includes the SIM ID. The BlackBerry Configuration Database lists this information as ICCID in the device management information synchronized to the SyncDeviceMgmtSummary table.
(SDR 80061, SDR 49746)
ability to create and configure group disclaimers
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1, you could only create one corporate disclaimer for a BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, users can create and configure group disclaimers on their BlackBerry devices according to their assigned user groups.
(SDR 79881)
improved error detection and handling for the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service code
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1, you might have received unnecessary error messages in the BlackBerry Manager when you associated the BlackBerry Enterprise Server with the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service, or performed other BlackBerry MDS Connection Service administrative tasks.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, error detection and handling for the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service has been improved to prevent the unnecessary error messages from appearing.
(SDR 78449)
Direct Connect Identification number enhancements
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1, the usersxxx8217; Direct Connect Identification (DCID) numbers were not displayed on the User tab in the BlackBerry Manager, and could not be exported to an external file.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, a DCID column has been added to the User tab, and DCID numbers can be exported.
(SDR 76821, SDR 77071)
support for PGP MIME messages
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2 and later, if you are using PGP® add-on software, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server now handles PGP MIME messages correctly.
(SDR 58361)
improved logging terminology
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 later, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent referred to an ETP message xxx8220;etpIDxxx8221;, which was misleading.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2 and later, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent now refers to an ETP xxx8220;Tagxxx8221;.
(SDR 45602)
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.
Last edited by jibi; 09-14-2006 at 08:35 AM..
09-12-2006, 11:34 PM
BlackBerry God
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Jibi's Secret Place
Model: 8900
Carrier: AT&T
Posts: 11,310
Fixed issues
BlackBerry Collaboration Service
SDR 91492
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.1 and later, if your instant messaging environment is Novell ® GroupWise® Messenger, if a userxxx8217;s BlackBerry device is using French and the user sends an instant message that contains accented characters to a BlackBerry device that uses English, the characters in the instant message are displayed on the recipientxxx8217;s BlackBerry device incorrectly.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 90928
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.1 and later, if your instant messaging environment is IBM® Lotus® Sametime® and your IBM Lotus Domino® environment is configured to resolve multiple names to a single lookup (for example, performing a directory assistance lookup using a local names.nsf file on each IBM Lotus Domino server and a consolidated Notes Address Book), users cannot log in to enterprise messenger because two names are returned during authentication to the BlackBerry Collaboration Service instead of one.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
BlackBerry Configuration Database
SDR 95374
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you click Reset PIM Sync Global Field Mapping, the Address Book fields return to default Microsoft Exchange values because of an incorrect database script.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 92316
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, in certain circumstances, Microsoft SQL Server statements might place a large amount of load on the Microsoft SQL Server.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 90032
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, the user is unable to install Database Notification System (DBNS) on the Microsoft SQL Server with the named instance.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 87442
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, the BlackBerry Configuration Database creation fails if you assign a long name to the database.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 79960
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you remove the last blank line from the BESMgmt.cfg file, the CreateDB tool does not start successfully.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
BlackBerry Dispatcher
SDR 89503
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1, not all BlackBerry Dispatcher disconnects are logged at level [20000] with a unique event ID in the log files.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2 and later, this issue is resolved.
SDR 86413
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if the BlackBerry Dispatcher uses multiple threads to start SRP connections through the BlackBerry Router, and only one connection is successful, the BlackBerry Dispatcher does not re-attempt to start the additional connections. In BlackBerry Enterprise Server environments where you have a primary SRP connection and secondary SRP connections (for example, a BlackBerry Enterprise Server upgraded from Version 3.6 to Version 4.1), users mapped to the secondary SRP connection can receive messages but cannot send messages.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 81898
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, when you create user accounts on the same messaging server and the user accounts are assigned to BlackBerry Messaging Agents, if the BlackBerry Messaging Agents have ServerDN values of characters that are not the same case (for example, ServerDN=/O= and ServerDN=/o=), the user accounts are not grouped together on the same BlackBerry Messaging Agent.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
BlackBerry Instant Messaging for GroupWise
SDR 78817
Previously, if users were in a conversation with a contact who did not appear in their contact list, and they deleted that conversation, but the contact continued to send instant messages, an xxx8220;Uncaught exceptionxxx8221; error message appeared.
SDR 72025
Previously, if users were using a BlackBerry device with BlackBerry Device Software version 4.1, the Enterprise Messenger typing indicators and xxx8220;Message Receivedxxx8221; pop up messages might not have appeared.
BlackBerry Instant Messaging for Live Communications Server
SDR 80118
Previously, if users were using Microsoft Windows® Messenger, and they tried to switch conversations using the message indicator, a xxx8220;message queue overflowxxx8221; error message appeared.
BlackBerry MDS Connection Service
SDR 80201
In BlackBerry enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you changed the properties for a BlackBerry MDS Connection Service, the changes were not saved.
In the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2 and later, this issue is resolved.
SDR 78922
In the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1, if you created a BlackBerry MDS Connection Server access control push rule with the same name as an access control pull rule, an application error appeared. The same behavior occurred if you created a pull rule with the same name as a push rule.
In the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2 and later, this issue is resolved.
BlackBerry MDS Services
SDR 100855
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you remove a BlackBerry MDS Studio Application, the application record is not removed from the BlackBerry MDS Application Repository.
In the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 88104
In the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP1, the BlackBerry MDS Services Properties page title contained unnecessary padding before xxx8220;(Audit Only)xxx8221; appeared.
In the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
BlackBerry Manager
SDR 91948
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you resend service books to multiple users at once, you must click OK for each user.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 91507
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, junior help desk administrators cannot access the Devices Registered properties dialogs. This administrator role should have xxx8220;Deletexxx8221; permission for this screen.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 89278
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you select a user on the Users tab, click Assign to Group, and then click OK without selecting a group for the user, an SQL error appears in the BlackBerry Manager log file.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 87628
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, on the Global Properties dialog, the Push Control description has a typo that reads Blackberry MDS Connection Service xxx8230;.xxx8221;
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 87609
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you set an enterprise activation password to expire at a time other than the default (48 hours), the expiry time reverts to the default after you close the Set Activation Password dialog and re-open it.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 87592
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you create a BlackBerry MDS Connection Service push rule with the same name as an existing pull rule, an error message indicates that the name already exists and an application error appears.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 87255
In the Device Policies properties dialog on the MDS Services tab, the Allow Push Application Install option displays the incorrect UI description.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 85927
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1, if you are using database authentication to connect the BlackBerry Manager to the BlackBerry Configuration Database, and the credentials you supply are not accepted, the BlackBerry Manager does not clear the login credential stored in the registry.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 82677
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, in some circumstances, if you highlight a user name on the Users tab when there is only one user on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, the user name might appear multiple times in the bottom pane of the Users tab.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 80832
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, senior help desk administrators have read-only access to the Add Users dialog on the Servers tab, but full access to the Add Users dialog on the Users tab. This administrator role should have full access to the Add User dialog in all circumstances.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 80328
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if a junior help desk administrator logs in to a remote BlackBerry Manager, this administrator can access and perform the Move User action. This option should be hidden from this administrator role.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 80244
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, a Clear Statistics option link incorrectly appears on the Collaboration Service tab. This link does not provide any functionality.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 79622
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, audit security administrators can perform the Export Stats to File task on the Users tab. This administrator role should not have permission to perform this task.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 79600
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you assign a user to a group when no other groups exist in the BlackBerry Domain, an incorrect error message (xxx8220;There are no other groups to copy properties toxxx8221;) appears.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 79532
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, in some circumstances, the Set Activation Password option does not appear on the User Groups List tab.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 78256
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if an audit security administrator attempts to map a global IT policy to a user, an application error occurs.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 77401
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you assign an invalid PIN number to a BlackBerry MDS Services message monitor definition, an application error message appears.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 77233
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you change the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service server host name to a URL that does not exist, an application error message appears.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 77176
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if the BlackBerry MDS Services is installed on a remote computer, and you create a new BlackBerry MDS Services device policy but leave the Policy Name field blank, an application error appears and the BlackBerry Manager might stop responding.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 76827
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, in certain circumstances, when two BlackBerry Enterprise Servers share the same BlackBerry Configuration Database, if you attempt to clear the user statistics, only some of the statistics are successfully removed.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 76812
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, in some circumstances, if you create a user group of multiple users and then export the user group statistics to a text file, the text file displays the correct statistics from the BlackBerry Manager for the first user in the list, but replicates the same information for the remaining users.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
BlackBerry Messaging Agent
SDR 97292
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you attach a contact whose name contains an accented character to an email, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent does not deliver the attachment to a userxxx8217;s BlackBerry device.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 95171
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, the BlackBerry Controller monitors the BlackBerry Messaging Agentxxx8217;s health by sending a status query every 10 minutes. The BlackBerry Messaging Agent does not respond to the BlackBerry Controllerxxx8217;s initial status query if it experiences a higher than normal load when starting a large number of users. As a result, the BlackBerry Controller logs a warning message in the log file. If the BlackBerry Messaging Agent does not respond to the second status query, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent might restart.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 92882
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if users have multiple folders enable for redirection and then switch devices, during message prepopulation the BlackBerry Enterprise Server reports a xxx8220;GetContentsTable (0x80004005) failedxxx8221; error in the log file. During subsequent rescans for message reconciliation, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent receives a xxx8220;LowLevelErrorxxx8221; error from the messaging server and the userxxx8217;s account becomes inactive.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 91864, SDR 90852
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you enable the HostedServer registry key, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent does not return distribution lists in the results of address lookups, and users cannot send messages to distribution lists from their BlackBerry devices.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 90872
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, in certain circumstances, long running operations (for example, synchronizing an Address Book with a large number of items) might cause loops that do not update the thread health state. As a result, mail flow delays might occur, the log files might display multiple hung threads, and the BlackBerry Enterprise Server might restart the BlackBerry Messaging Agent continuously.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 90585
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent prevented BlackBerry Connectxxx8482; device users from viewing attachments that were larger than 32 KB in size.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, BlackBerry Connect device users can view attachments that are up to 60 KB in
SDR 90567
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, when the BlackBerry Messaging Agent writes event [15010] to the log file, it writes xxx8220;(Reserved)xxx8221; instead of the actual error.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 88012
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if the BlackBerry Messaging Agent issues a stop command to a worker thread during threadpool optimization and does not receive a response, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent continues to wait indefinitely for a response.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 88008
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you reassign a BlackBerry device to a new user while the BlackBerry Enterprise Server for the previous userxxx8217;s account is located is temporarily shut down, when you turn the BlackBerry Enterprise Server back on, it might try to reclaim the BlackBerry device for the previous user.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 87924
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if two threads attempt to create a timer at the same time, one thread might stop responding.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 86287
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent does not report the Server DN or the SRP Routing Info immediately after a restart.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 85727
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you install the BlackBerry Enterprise Server with an evaluation license key while the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) services is running, license information values in the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Management Information Base (MIB) file for dispConfigLicenseTotal, dispConfigLicenseUsed, and dispConfigLicenseRemaining are not correct.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 85368
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you change the importance of a global filter to any value other than xxx8220;Nonexxx8221;, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent ignores the filter and forwards the entire message to usersxxx8217;s BlackBerry devices.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 82377
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you quickly file more than 10 messages into a subfolder in the Inbox of your desktop email program, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent does not detect the moves of the 11th and later messages so does not reconcile them to your BlackBerry device.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 77835
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if the BlackBerry Messaging Agent is unable to retrieve an updated folder list for a user account from the messaging server (for example, if a brief network error occurs), then messages filed on the userxxx8217;s desktop email program do not reconcile and the messages remain in the Inbox on the userxxx8217;s BlackBerry device until the next attempt to retrieve the folder lists occurs.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 68494
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you stop and restart the BlackBerry Controller from the Microsoft Windows Services pane, information is not written to the SNMP trap watcher.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 48874
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if a user replaces a valid email address with an incorrect email address in the address book on the BlackBerry device, an email message sent to the incorrect address does not bounce back and might be sent to another email address that partly matches the incorrect email address.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
BlackBerry Policy Service
SDR 90650
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, in certain circumstances, the BlackBerry Policy Service stops responding if it processes an IT Policy incorrectly.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 85151
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, under some circumstances, the BlackBerry Policy Service might automatically requeue the IT policy to be resent to the BlackBerry device every 30 minutes if the BlackBerry device does not acknowledge receipt of the IT policy.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
Setup program
SDR 80402
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, you did not have the option to change to a new BlackBerry ConfigurationDatabase using the BlackBerry Configuration Panel on a computer where you installed only the BlackBerry Collaboration Service.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 79844
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you enter the SRP address with spaces, you cannot validate the SRP ID and key.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 78977
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, when you upgraded the BlackBerry Enterprise Server the setup program selected Windows authentication as the default authentication method to the BlackBerry Configuration database. If you had previously selected database authentication when installing the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, this choice was not detected by the setup program.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 77498 In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, when upgrading the BlackBerry Enterprise Server with BlackBerry MDS Services, the BlackBerry MDS Services might start after the BlackBerry Enterprise Server restarts during the upgrade and the setup program cannot complete successfully.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 68142
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, you had to perform manual steps after completing the setup program to associate a BlackBerry Enterprise Server with an instance of BlackBerry MDS Services.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 65361
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, the setup program does not validate the proxy connection information that you type to confirm that the information is expected (for example, numbers in the port field).
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 64673
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, the setup program did not confirm that the account with which you installed the BlackBerry Enterprise Server was part of the Local Administration group.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
Wireless calendar synchronization
SDR 93190
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.1 and later, if a meeting organizer adds a new invitee to a recurring meeting that has exceptions, the invitee is not added to the exceptions on the organizerxxx8217;s BlackBerry device.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 89890
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.1 and later, when a meeting invitee receives a meeting request on their BlackBerry device, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent writes an xxx8220;Attachment=RIM-Calendar, Extension is not validxxx8221; error message in the log file even though the meeting delivery was successful.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 89411
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if a user sends a meeting invitation to a large number of individual invitees (for example, 8000 people), the BlackBerry Messaging Agent uses unexpectedly high amounts of system resources.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 89100
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP1, if a meeting organizer updates an existing meeting from their BlackBerry device, changing both the subject of the meeting and changing the recurrence from a simple to a recurring meeting, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent reconciles the previous subject to both the organizerxxx8217;s desktop email program and to attendeesxxx8217; BlackBerry devices.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 88742
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP1, if an attendee tentatively accepts a meeting request but is subsequently removed from the list of attendees, the meeting is removed from the attendeexxx8217;s calendar on the BlackBerry device, but the attendeexxx8217;s status might still appear as Invited on the organizerxxx8217;s BlackBerry device.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 87950
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, an organizerxxx8217;s meeting update might be unsuccessful if the sequence number of the meeting on the BlackBerry device is higher than the sequence number of the meeting on the messaging server (for example, if an organizer updates a meeting while their BlackBerry device is outside of a wireless coverage area and at the same time invitees are sending acceptances to the original meeting). The BlackBerry Messaging Agent is processing the meeting acceptance to the new appointment sent from the inviteexxx8217;s BlackBerry device, so the messaging server does not send the update from the meeting organizer.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, meeting invitees receive the organizerxxx8217;s update successfully and respond to the updated meeting.
SDR 87681
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if a meeting organizer edits the location of an instance of a recurring meeting on their BlackBerry device, when an attendee tentatively accepts the meeting the BlackBerry Messaging Agent sends the acceptance to the organizer, but the attendeexxx8217;s status continues to display as Invited rather than Accepted in the calendar on their BlackBerry device.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 86464
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.1 and later, if an invitee accepts a meeting request from their desktop email program while message redirection is turned off on their BlackBerry device, when they re-enable message redirection, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent does not reconcile the meeting to their BlackBerry device.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
SDR 76274
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.1 and later, if an invitee attempts to accept a meeting on their BlackBerry device after the organizer cancels the meeting, the Blackberry device does not send the acceptance but the BlackBerry Messaging Agent does not delete the meeting, so the meeting appears in the calendar on the userxxx8217;s BlackBerry device.
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, this issue is resolved.
The following issues are believed to be fixed in this software release, but have not been confirmed to be closed:
BlackBerry Configuration Database
SDR 98201
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, the BlackBerry Configuration Database logged communication errors using only hexidecimal numbers instead of text explaining the error.
SDR 97058
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, you cannot specify a path at the command prompt to the BESMgmt.cfg file when using the CreateDB tool. You were required to change the script root directory in the BESMgmt.cfg file instead.
SDR 94195
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you attempt to upgrade the BlackBerry Configuration Database and you have changed the machine name of the computer since creating the BlackBerry Configuration Database, the upgrade will not complete successfully.
SDR 91448
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, when you install a version of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server and specify a BlackBerry Configuration Database that is at a higher version (for example, a BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP1 and a BlackBerry Configuration Database Version 4.1 SP2), the BlackBerry Configuration Database reports that the schema is not at the most current version. When the setup program checks the IsCurrent value, the BlackBerry Configuration Database supplies False instead of True.
SDR 91443
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if the BlackBerry Configuration Database contains multiple entries in certain database tablesxxx8212;an expected result of merging two BlackBerry Configuration Databases into onexxx8212;the database job that purges BlackBerry MDS Connection Service messages does not complete successfully.
BlackBerry Manager
SDR 95479
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, when you remove a user account from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, the user account is not removed from the BlackBerry MDS Server.
SDR 93907
In the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1, you cannot send PIN messages from the BlackBerry Manager to users on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.0.x, even if the users are in the same database.
SDR 92087
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you add two versions of the same application to a new software configuration, you do not receive an error indicating that this action is not supported. You receive an error only when you edit the software configuration.
SDR 89385
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you define two URL patterns with the same value in the URL Pattern fields but different service names (for example, HTTP and HTTPS), you receive an error message indicating that the URL pattern already exists.
SDR 89126
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you are using Microsoft Live Communication Server as your instant messaging server, you cannot specify a host name containing particular characters (for example, underscores) for the Live Communication Server service during the BlackBerry Enterprise Server installation. You can specify a host name containing these special characters in the BlackBerry Manager after the installation.
SDR 88816
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, the BlackBerry Manager shuts down unexpectedly if you create a software configuration that points to the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path on a remote location, and the UNC path is changed.
SDR 88281
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, the notification icon is missing from the Monitor Messages window.
SDR 88155
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, the Local Access Control properties dialog for the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service incorrectly appears in the BlackBerry Collaboration Service properties dialog.
SDR 88002
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you create a pull rule with a name that is longer than 40 characters, an application error occurs.
SDR 86497
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you change an SRP identifier to an invalid SRP identifier, and then change the invalid SRP identifier back to the original identifier, the usersxxx8217; service books are not updated and users cannot send or receive messages on their BlackBerry devices.
SDR 86049
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, security administrators cannot view the Query Device Status option on the Devices Registered screen.
SDR 85207
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you upgrade BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.0.4 to Version 4.1, and you are using a local Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3a database, you might be prompted for an SQL authentication password when you open the BlackBerry Manager. When you enter the SQL authentication password, the password does not function as expected.
SDR 82613
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1, the BlackBerry Manager starts when it is connected to a BlackBerry Configuration Database of an earlier version.
SDR 81035
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you used the Monitor Messages window to change the search criteria and then search for a BlackBerry device, the link that displayed in the BlackBerry Manager might have been broken.
SDR 80687
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, the feature to query the status of a BlackBerry device is missing from the BlackBerry Manager.
SDR 80383
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, BlackBerry device administrators could add, copy, and modify software configuration details when they should have read-only permission.
SDR 80350
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, BlackBerry device administrators and audit BlackBerry device administrators could access several dialogs for which they should have read-only permission on the Servers tab and User Groups List tab.
SDR 79196
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, in certain circumstances, when two BlackBerry Enterprise Servers share the same BlackBerry Configuration Database, if you use the BlackBerry Manager on one BlackBerry Enterprise Server to find a user on another BlackBerry Enterprise Server, user status information displays momentarily and then is not visible.
SDR 78771
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, in certain circumstances, when you schedule the date and time to send a BlackBerry MDS Studio application installation or upgrade to a BlackBerry device, the user receives an error on the BlackBerry device and the application does not install.
Workaround: Deselect the Schedule check box in the BlackBerry Manager and push the BlackBerry MDS Studio application to the BlackBerry device immediately.
SDR 77569
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you create message monitors to monitor BlackBerry MDS Services message traffic, the monitors do not persist in the BlackBerry Manager.
BlackBerry Messaging Agent
SDR 91390
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, in certain circumstances, a negative value is written to the MsgsFiltered field of the UserStats table. When the BlackBerry Messaging Agent attempts to update that userxxx8217;s statistics, an error occurs ({0x1640} PMDatabaseSQLImp::SetAllStatProps: COM Error 0x80040E57 - IDispatch error #3159 - Source: xxx8220;Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Serverxxx8221; - Description xxx8220;Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.xxx8221; - Command "").
Workaround: Move the user to a new BlackBerry Messaging Agent where they are the only user.
BlackBerry Policy Service
SDR 92959
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, the last history ID for each IT Policy is stored in the registry and used by the change detection code as an index into the ServerConfigHistory. If you start the BlackBerry Enterpriser Server, and that registry key is not present on the computer, the BlackBerry Policy Service must rescan the entire ServerConfigHistory table of the BlackBerry Configuration Database.
SDR 75547
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if the network connection between the BlackBerry Enterprise Server and the BlackBerry Configuration Database is unfavorable, the BlackBerry Policy Service might use increased system resources when determining whether users require upgrades to the applications on their BlackBerry devices.
SDR 66441
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, the IT policy log line is set to level 2 instead of level 4.
Setup program
SDR 95096
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if more than one IP is connected to a single network card then the setup program terminates unexpectedly while gathering the network information.
SDR 90985
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP1, if you installed a BlackBerry Router on a remote computer and then performed an upgrade of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, the setup program configured the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to use the local BlackBerry Router.
SDR 90656
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if your database environment is Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Engine (MDSE), during an upgrade of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server from Version 4.1 to Version 4.1 SP1, after you restart the computer and continue the upgrade, the License Key field is empty.
SDR 90540
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you are performing an upgrade using database authentication and the database credentials previously used to connect to the BlackBerry Configuration Database are missing from the registry, the upgrade fails with an xxx8220;Unable to get all Necessary Database Informationxxx8221; error.
SDR 89855
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you are upgrading the BlackBerry Enterprise Server from versions earlier than 4.0 SP4 to Version 4.1 SP1, settings customized within the BlackBerry Services are not preserved. These settings include the General, Log On and the Recovery tabs found under the properties of a BlackBerry service.
SDR 87626
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you are performing an upgrade using database authentication, and the setup program cannot locate the database credentials to perform the configuration portion of the upgrade, the setup program reverts to Windows authentication. If the administrative account with which you are performing the upgrade does not have permission to access the database server where you installed the BlackBerry Configuration Database, you receive a xxx8220;Failed to write License key to the Databasexxx8221; error message and cannot continue with the upgrade process.
SDR 87519
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if the administrative account with which you complete the setup program has a password that includes quotations, the setup program does not complete successfully.
SDR 82682
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, you had the option to create a new BlackBerry Configuration Database during an upgrade instead of upgrading the existing BlackBerry Configuration Database.
SDR 81444
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you upgrade the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 3.6 SP6 to Version 4.1, image attachments attached to email messages that are sent to the BlackBerry device do not appear in the Open Attachment screen.
SDR 80445
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, the BlackBerry MDS Services URL does not include the fully-qualified domain name of the computer on which it is installed, so notifications can not be sent to the BlackBerry MDS Services. You can not specify this computer name during the setup program and you can not modify the computer name in the BlackBerry Manager.
SDR 78027
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, the setup program changed the BlackBerry services to start automatically when installing a service pack or hotfix. If you had previously set the BlackBerry services to start manually, the setup program changed this configuration.
SDR 77476
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you use Add/Remove Programs to update or repair the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, and then open the configuration panel, the Enable Proxy Settings check box on the Proxy Settings tab is no longer selected.
SDR 47779
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you using the BESMigration tool as part of an upgrade, the BESMigration tool does not warn you if you populate the instance names incorrectly.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.
Last edited by jibi; 09-14-2006 at 08:21 AM..
09-12-2006, 11:35 PM
BlackBerry God
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Jibi's Secret Place
Model: 8900
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Posts: 11,310
Known issues
Key issues
SDR 100044
If you are installing the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2 on a computer with two or more drives, and you perform the installation on a drive that is not the default drive, the setup program installs a .jks file needed by the BlackBerry MDS Services to accept SSL certificates in the default drive. Errors occur in the BlackBerry Manager when you attempt to administer the BlackBerry MDS Services.
1. Search for the default.jks file in the C:\ drive of the computer where you installed the BlackBerry Enterpriser Server.
2. Copy and paste the file into the following directory:
<Drive>:\<installation directory>\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\MDSS\config\security
SDR 91525
If you assign a software configuration to a group and then add a user to that group, the software configuration is not assigned to the new user.
SDR 87023
If a user forgets the password for a BlackBerry device on which content protection is turned on, if you reset the userxxx8217;s password remotely, the content-protected BlackBerry device prompts the user to type the BlackBerry device password, which they have forgotten, before they type a new password because content protection uses the password to encrypt the content protection key. You must use the Erase Data and Disable Handheld IT Admin command to remotely erase all user information and application data that the BlackBerry device stores.
Workaround: Do not use the Set a Password and Lock Handheld command to reset the password remotely. If you reset the userxxx8217;s password remotely, the content-protected BlackBerry device prompts the user to type the BlackBerry device password, which they have forgotten, before they type a new password because content protection uses the password to encrypt the content protection key.
SDR 86785
If you repeatedly change administrative roles, the connection to the BlackBerry Configuration Database cannot be established and the BlackBerry Manager might shut down.
SDR 85384
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you enterprise activate a userxxx8217;s BlackBerry device by connecting the BlackBerry device to the administration computer, each time that you resend service books to the BlackBerry device from the BlackBerry Manager, all PIM data synchronizes to the BlackBerry device and the INVALID_SYNC_STATE error message appears in the BlackBerry Synchronization Service log file.
BlackBerry Attachment Service
SDR 99041
In certain circumstances, an error message displays when a user attempts to open an attachment on the BlackBerry device.
SDR 98475
Portable Document Format (PDF) attachments do not display layout or characters correctly in the BlackBerry Browser.
SDR 92514
In certain circumstances, PDF attachments created with Cognos PDF Server do not render correctly on the BlackBerry device.
SDR 90808
In certain circumstances, if a user opens a Microsoft Word attachment on a BlackBerry Connect device, bullet colors do not display correctly.
BlackBerry Collaboration Service
SDR 93661
If your instant messaging environment is GroupWise Messenger, you cannot turn off the default setting to show a mobile icon. This feature is only supported on GroupWise Messenger Version 2.x, so if your instant messaging environment contains users on GroupWise Messenger Version 1.x, those users cannot send instant messages from their BlackBerry devices.
Workaround: In the BlackBerry Configuration Database, in the IMConfig table, edit the ShowMobile field using the following
xxx8226; Type 0 to prevent support for showing mobile icons.
xxx8226; Type 1 to permit support for showing mobile icons.
SDR 92584
If your instant messaging environment is IBM Lotus Sametime, when a user adds a contact to the Buddy List in their desktop instant messaging program and then starts a conversation with that contact, if the contact receives the invitation on their BlackBerry device the user on the desktop instant messaging program appears to be offline. When the contact joins the conversation on their BlackBerry device, the user on the desktop instant messaging program continues to appear offline until they type the first message of the conversation.
BlackBerry Configuration Panel
SDR 101690
In certain circumstances, if you change the path to the folder where the BlackBerry services create log files from a local drive to a network drive, the BlackBerry Configuration Panel completes the process, but the BlackBerry services cannot create logs in the network drive.
Workaround: Specify a local drive as the destination folder for the log files and contact BlackBerry Technical Support.
BlackBerry Dispatcher
SDR 98848
If an All Points Bulletin (APB) fails, the BlackBerry Dispatcher log file does not display that a failure occurred.
SDR 98703
In certain circumstances, if you set up a BlackBerry device during a period of high volume traffic on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, the BlackBerry Dispatcher remote procedure call (RPC) times out.
BlackBerry Instant Messaging for Microsoft Live Communications Server
SDR 99734
If users are using Office Communicator, and they click the Accept&Add menu option on an incoming invitation from a contact that has never been in their contact list before, a xxx8220;setFocusFieldxxx8221; error appears.
SDR 99593
If users add themselves to their contact list using their user name and instead of their full email address, then delete themselves, a java exception appears and the user is logged out.
SDR 99007
If users are on a server with Public IM Connectivity turned on, and they try to involve Public Instant messaging contacts in a conference, an error message appears.
SDR 98900
If users are using Office Communicator and they attempt to add a contact to the contact list before the contact list is fully loaded, an xxx8220;IllegalArgumentExceptionxxx8221; error appears.
Workaround: Upon login, wait until the contact list is loaded completely before attempting to add a contact.
SDR 98758
If users block a contact using Office Communicator they can still send messages to that contact and receive messages from that contact.
SDR 96321
If users have a contact in the default group, and they select the Remove from Group menu option, a Command Failed error appears.
SDR 96070
If users are using Office Communicator on a BlackBerry device, the Remove Contact from Group option does not appear in the menu list.
SDR 95013
If a user is on a Live Communications Server Standard Edition, and they are forced from one pool to another, their contact list is automatically deleted by design. The user then receives new add requests for their contacts. If the user clicks the Accept&Add menu option, a uncaught exception appears.
Workaround: Click the Accept menu option and send an add request to your contacts.
SDR 95012
If users are using Office Communicator with a BlackBerry 7100 series device, Office Communicator does send or receive typing indicators to or from other BlackBerry devices.
SDR 93011
In some circumstances, users are unable to load Office Communicator using a BlackBerry browser.
SDR 92345
If users attempt to log in to Microsoft Windows Messenger using serial bypass, a xxx8220;message queue overflowxxx8221; error message might appear.
SDR 90660
If users are using Office Communicator on a BlackBerry 7100 device, and they search for a contact in the contact list, the contact list does not snap to already known contacts.
SDR 89598
If users include a space character in their Microsoft Windows passwords, they are unable to log in to Windows Messenger or Office Communicator. An error message appears.
SDR 89159
If a user does not have permission to access Office Communicator and they attempt to log in, a xxx8220;!xxx8221; error message appears.
SDR 80345
If users are using Windows Messenger, and they copy a conversation history into an Enterprise Messenger conversation, an xxx8220;ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsxxx8221; error message appears.
SDR 77973
If users are using Windows Messenger and they delete a contact, a xxx8220;message queue overflowxxx8221; error message might appear and they are signed out of Enterprise Messenger.
BlackBerry Instant Messaging for Novell GroupWise
SDR 100872
If users try to move a contact that is already in all folders in the contact list, a xxx8220;Command Failedxxx8221; error appears.
SDR 99326
If the BlackBerry Collaboration Service is stopped after users log in to GroupWise Messenger, users might be logged out of GroupWise Messenger and an error message containing the user's user name and an exclamation mark might appear.
SDR 98190
If users have a contact in multiple folders, and they ignore that contact in one folder, that contact is not ignored in other folders.
If users attempt to ignore the contact in other folders, a xxx8220;Command Failedxxx8221; error appears.
If users try to send a message to a contact who is ignored in one folder and unignored in another, the message is not delivered.
SDR 89237
If users browse to their address book to add a contact using the contactxxx8217;s email address, once the user clicks OK on the Add User dialog box, a Command Failed error appears.
SDR 82325
If a user sends an instant message to a contact and then invites that same contact to a conference, if the contact accepts the conference using GroupWise Messenger on their computer, two GroupWise Messenger conversations are open.
SDR 80128
If users delete a contact that appears in multiple groups, that contact is only deleted in the group from which they deleted it. If the contact appears in other groups, users cannot modify or delete that contact. Users cannot send an instant message to that contact unless that contact sends a message to them first.
SDR 79987
If users try to edit the default GroupWise folder, a xxx8220;Command Failedxxx8221; error message appears.
SDR 64736
If users sends a URL in an Enterprise Messenger conversation, and their contact is using Enterprise Messenger on their BlackBerry device, the contact receives the URL with a smiley icon in it.
BlackBerry Instant Messaging for Sametime
SDR 100946
If the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service and the BlackBerry Collaboration Service are disabled on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, users who were online when the services were disabled are not notified that they are no longer connected.
SDR 94672
The xxx8220;<Start Typing Here>xxx8221; message that appears in the text entry field might not disappear when users start typing in that field.
SDR 82350
If users have a large contact list, when they log on to their account using their BlackBerry device, highlight a group, and select the Add Person menu option while the contact list is loading, an illegal argument exception. appears
SDR 82113
If a user creates two groups with the same name that differ only by capitalization on their desktop computer, and add at least one contact to each group, then log into the same account on their handheld client, highlight the first group in the contact list and select Add Person from the menu, an illegal argument exception appears.
SDR 74118
If a single chat between a BlackBerry device user and a desktop computer user is initiated by the device user and the desktop user invites other participants to the existing chat window, then the device that originated the single chat will receive an invitation instead of having the single chat window on the device converted to a meeting.
BlackBerry Manager
SDR 102000
If you create an IT policy that contains a VoIP Emergency Number that begins with a zero, the BlackBerry Manager removes the zero from the number.
SDR 101945
After you upgrade your BlackBerry Enterprise Server to Version 4.1SP2, if you create a new IT policy by copying an IT policy that existed prior to the upgrade, the copied IT policy does not contain the settings of the original.
SDR 101827
If you are administering a BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.0.x using either the BlackBerry Manager Version 4.1 SP2 or the BlackBerry Manager for MMC Version 4.1 SP2 on another BlackBerry Enterprise Server in the same BlackBerry Domain, you cannot create global message redirection filters on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.0.x.
Workaround: Use the BlackBerry Manager for MMC Version 4.0.x to create or edit global filters.
SDR 101363
If you are using a BlackBerry Manager at Version 4.1 SP2 to administer a BlackBerry Enterprise Server at Version 4.1 or Version 4.1 SP1, you should not have the option to create a one-to-many relationship between that BlackBerry Enterprise Server and a BlackBerry Collaboration Service. This feature is supported only if all BlackBerry components are Version 4.1 SP2.
SDR 98467
In the BlackBerry Manager role mapping XML file (extracted from bbmgrw32.exe), in the BlackBerry Collaboration Service Properties node, the <localaccess> element lists the incorrect Name attribute (xxx8220;Local Access Controlxxx8221;). The Name attribute should be xxx8220;Access Controlxxx8221;.
Workaround: In the XML file, manually change the Name attribute in <localaccess type=xxx8220;propNodexxx8221; Name=xxx8220;Local Access Controlxxx8221;/> to xxx8220;Access Controlxxx8221;.
SDR 97811
If you set user filters for a user account in the BlackBerry Manager or on a BlackBerry device, and then set the enterprise activation password for the same user account, the filters are deleted in the BlackBerry Manager and on the BlackBerry device.
SDR 97792
The BlackBerry Manager does not correctly indicate the PGP Security Capabilities for a userxxx8217;s BlackBerry device in the user Properties when the user is enabled for PGP.
SDR 80736
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, in the following situation, access mapping rules are lost for user accounts; the push rules window does not open.
- You assigned access roles to BlackBerry device users.
- You created a group and assigned those BlackBerry Device users to it.
- You added additional access rules to the group.
SDR 76363
The BlackBerry Manager is not compatible with Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.
BlackBerry MDS Services
SDR 101731
If you are upgrading your BlackBerry environment from Version 4.1 and later to Version 4.1 SP2, and you add a new instance of BlackBerry MDS Connection Service created at Version 4.1SP2, the BlackBerry MDS Services adds this instance to the list of available BlackBerry MDS Connection Services. If you do not intend to use this instance and manually stop the service, the BlackBerry MDS Services retains the instance on its list of available BlackBerry MDS Connection Services. When activating BlackBerry MDS Runtime on BlackBerry devices, if the BlackBerry MDS Services attempt to connect to the stopped instance of the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service, the activation fails.
If you have a stopped instance of the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service in your BlackBerry environment, manually remove this instance from the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service Definition list of the BlackBerry MDS Services.
SDR 100135
After you removed a user account from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, the userxxx8217;s BlackBerry device is not removed from the BlackBerry MDS Application Repository.
SDR 98753
The BlackBerry MDS Application Repository server logs the content of secure messages when running in DEBUG mode.
BlackBerry Messaging Agent
SDR 99907
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if a user receives a message signed with S/MIME in which the message starts with a SPACE or TAB character, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent removes the message body when reconciling to the userxxx8217;s BlackBerry device.
SDR 99350
In BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if a userxxx8217;s BlackBerry device is running BlackBerry Device Software Version 4.0 and is not enabled for S/MIME support, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent does not forward encrypted messages to the userxxx8217;s BlackBerry device.
SDR 86497
When a user changes Server Relay Protocol identifiers to an invalid value and then changes it back to a valid value, the service books do not update correctly.
BlackBerry Policy Service
SDR 100058
If you add a user to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server and then delete that user, the Delete On option (in Messages Options > Email Reconciliation) on the BlackBerry device is set to Handheld for all existing users because the BlackBerry Policy Service sends out a service book update to all existing users when the user is deleted.
SDR 99040
If you set the Allow Other Message Services IT policy rule to True, the BlackBerry device does not allow other message services.
BlackBerry Synchronization Service
SDR 101354
If a user creates a contact in Microsoft Outlook that does not contain a name or company name, the BlackBerry Synchronization Service does not synchronize the contact to the userxxx8217;s BlackBerry device. If a user is performing an enterprise activation using the BlackBerry Desktop Manager (for example, after upgrading their BlackBerry Device Software) an 'Unable to write or update application data' error occurs and the contact is not synchronized.
Workaround: Include either company or name data in all contacts.
SDR 99885
If you upgrade to BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2 and a user adds a picture to an address book contact from their BlackBerry device running BlackBerry Device Software Version 4.2, the picture does not synchronize to the desktop email program.
Workaround: When upgrading the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, manually reset Reset PIM Sync Global Mapping to
synchronize the Picture field.
SDR 98110
In certain circumstances, enterprise activation might not complete if the delivery status of the initialization verification packet is received by the BlackBerry device subsequent to a new BlackBerry device request.
SDR 98044
In certain circumstances, you cannot stop the BlackBerry Synchronization Service.
Workaround: Use the task manager to stop the BlackBerry Synchronization Service.
SDR 96143
The BlackBerry Synchronization Service log file does not log all events.
SDR 96027
The BlackBerry Synchronization Service and BlackBerry Synchronization Connector log files do not have a description for event ID [45001].
SDR 95386
If conflict resolution for the BlackBerry Enterprise Server is set to Device Wins and wireless synchronization is turned off, filter updates on the BlackBerry device are not synchronized to BlackBerry Manager.
SDR 82813
If you create a new filter, delete a filter, and then move a filter from a BlackBerry device within a short period of time, the BlackBerry Synchronization Service reverts the changes.
SDR 75270
When creating a contact on the BlackBerry device, if a user modifies the name format preferences, the changes are not synchronized to the desktop email program.
Setup program
SDR 101957
If you are installing the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, and you select Ukraine as your country, the setup program automatically populates the SRP connection with incorrect information.
1. In the Host field, delete srp.uk.blackberry.net.
2. Type srp.ua.blackberry.net
3. Continue with the installation process.
SDR 101910
When you upgrade from BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later to BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP2, and during the upgrade you add support for instant messaging, the setup program does not remove the placeholder record in the IMConfig table when it adds the new record listing the computer where you installed the BlackBerry Collaboration Service. As a result, when you view the IM to BES Mappings list in the BlackBerry Manager, you see the invalid computer name xxx8220;IM-1xxx8221;.
Workaround: Do not select the invalid computer name when mapping instances of your BlackBerry Enterprise Servers to a BlackBerry Collaboration Service.
SDR 101698
In certain circumstances, when you install the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 and later, if you specify a network path as the destination folder for the log files, the installation process completes but the BlackBerry services cannot create logs in the network drive.
Workaround: After you complete the setup program, confirm that your log files appear on the network drive. If not, use the BlackBerry Configuration Panel to specify a local drive as the destination folder for the log files and contact BlackBerry Technical Support.
SDR 100337
If your database environment is Microsoft SQL Server 2005, the setup program does not change the authentication mode to Mixed Mode when the user requests the change. The setup program creates the BlackBerry Configuration Database, but cannot create the BlackBerry MDS Services databases, and the xxx8220;DB upgrade failed. Database connection attempt failedxxx8221; error occurs.
Workaround: You must change your database server to Mixed Mode before starting the setup program. See the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Installation Guide for more information about database environment settings required by the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
Wireless calendar synchronization
SDR 100477
If a meeting organizer sent a meeting invitation to a large number of individual invitees, this might cause high CPU usage and the BlackBerry Enterprise Server might stop responding.
SDR 99632
If your messaging environment is Microsoft Exchange 5.5, when a meeting attendee accepts an invitation to a recurring yearly meeting, the meeting details do not synchronize correctly to the attendeexxx8217;s BlackBerry device.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.
Last edited by jibi; 09-12-2006 at 11:44 PM..
09-12-2006, 11:46 PM
BlackBerry God
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Jibi's Secret Place
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Posts: 11,310
A nice laundry list of fixes and known issues, to say the least. Looks to be a fairly robust update, and I'm sure it added support for OS 4.2 handhelds for policies and application delivery. 
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.
09-13-2006, 10:18 AM
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
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thanks for the information.
sure looks like a must to patch
09-13-2006, 11:56 AM
BlackBerry God
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Jibi's Secret Place
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The LCS IM client portion got a wee bit more complicated. They now give you the option of LCS\Windows Messenger, LCS\Office Communicator, and both. However, their wording in the Installation and Upgrade guides for the Office Communicator portion is rather confusing. It's almost as if they are making an assumption that people are using the OCWA portion, which isn't the case in my experience. They 'require' you to have some patches on the LCS servers for some AJAX fix (which is a web scripting technology). Anyhow, word to the wise, if you have LCS, you may not want to install this until further clarification is known.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.
09-13-2006, 01:06 PM
Thumbs Must Hurt
Join Date: Aug 2006
Model: 8100
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Posts: 111
Originally Posted by jibi
The LCS IM client portion got a wee bit more complicated. They now give you the option of LCS\Windows Messenger, LCS\Office Communicator, and both. However, their wording in the Installation and Upgrade guides for the Office Communicator portion is rather confusing. It's almost as if they are making an assumption that people are using the OCWA portion, which isn't the case in my experience. They 'require' you to have some patches on the LCS servers for some AJAX fix (which is a web scripting technology). Anyhow, word to the wise, if you have LCS, you may not want to install this until further clarification is known.
I have already gone through the fun of this. You need to have the AJAX DLL installed, and OC Web Access installed also in order to use it. The deployment guide for OCWA has a little blurb of how to install it, its fairly easy. Be carefull though.. RIM will not support AJAX, and MS will not touch the thing with a 10 foot pole.
09-13-2006, 02:40 PM
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
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I downloaded the file and when I launch the .exe, I get this message...
"besx_upgrader_4.1.2.exe - the file is not a valid Win32 app"
What gives?
I did not have any issues installing SP 1
09-13-2006, 02:44 PM
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Originally Posted by cschrage
I downloaded the file and when I launch the .exe, I get this message...
"besx_upgrader_4.1.2.exe - the file is not a valid Win32 app"
What gives?
I did not have any issues installing SP 1
sound like the entire file did not download. The file is 352 mb. check your file size.
09-13-2006, 02:47 PM
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
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Good point!
I have tried to download the file a few times...it seems to choke out at about 33MB. There is no error at all...always looks like the full package downloaded.
09-13-2006, 04:46 PM
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Havnig the same problem. Tried 6 times today from different location and can't get a complete download. Have these people never heard of FTP? Anybody have a mirror?
09-13-2006, 08:36 PM
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
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Originally Posted by doni
Havnig the same problem. Tried 6 times today from different location and can't get a complete download. Have these people never heard of FTP? Anybody have a mirror?
there is FTP but you need a T- support contract to access it.
09-13-2006, 09:45 PM
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Originally Posted by jibi
A nice laundry list of fixes and known issues, to say the least. Looks to be a fairly robust update, and I'm sure it added support for OS 4.2 handhelds for policies and application delivery. 
Do we know if this update enables opening WAV attachments?
09-13-2006, 10:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Logvin
I have already gone through the fun of this. You need to have the AJAX DLL installed, and OC Web Access installed also in order to use it. The deployment guide for OCWA has a little blurb of how to install it, its fairly easy. Be carefull though.. RIM will not support AJAX, and MS will not touch the thing with a 10 foot pole.
I simply sent in an email with our specs and a fairly detailed explanation. They replied acknowledging the documentation was unclear on their specifications. It appears that OCWA is not required, nor are the patches listed in the installation guide. I'm going to install this first thing in the morning and we'll see what happens from there.
Originally Posted by BrooklynzFinest
Do we know if this update enables opening WAV attachments?
As mentioned in previous threads, WAV attachments are already supported as of BES 4.1 (and probably earlier). It was the OS that was lacking. This has been fixed in OS 4.2 (available on the 8100 only, currently) and the attachments play just fine.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.
09-14-2006, 03:14 AM
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So has anyone been able to download the file? If so, how did you manage?
I finally got the file, at first I was using firefox and IE6, I then tried Beta 2 of IE7 and it worked just fine.
Last edited by Zulan; 09-14-2006 at 05:36 AM..
09-14-2006, 08:06 AM
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
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I found it interesting that RIM made mention of BES 5 in the release notes. I don't remember them having that in any previous ones.
09-14-2006, 08:26 AM
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Originally Posted by gziz
there is FTP but you need a T- support contract to access it.
i have a T-support contract, but still have no idea about the FTP. was on hold with RIM support for an hour yesterday before i gave up. sigh.
09-14-2006, 08:32 AM
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Sorry the file is 225 mb. I just got it through DSL my comp network would drop th download halfway through. switched to DSL got it in 40 min
09-14-2006, 08:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Zulan
So has anyone been able to download the file? If so, how did you manage?
I finally got the file, at first I was using firefox and IE6, I then tried Beta 2 of IE7 and it worked just fine.
I downloaded it as I normally would download anything - never dropped connection (from two different machines).
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.
09-14-2006, 09:36 AM
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Originally Posted by Zulan
I finally got the file, at first I was using firefox and IE6, I then tried Beta 2 of IE7 and it worked just fine.
Got closer with IE7 -- 165MB -- but then it dropped again. This is ridiculous.
On hold again with TSupport... endless...
Finally got the FTP login. Sheesh.
Last edited by doni; 09-14-2006 at 10:31 AM..