View Poll Results: What will you or have already purchased? (you may select multiple choices)
I am waiting for the Playbook, that is the device I want
121 |
70.35% |
I will purchase a Windows 7 tablet
4 |
2.33% |
I will purchase a Android tablet
9 |
5.23% |
I will purchase a iPad tablet
8 |
4.65% |
I have purchased an iPad/Android or Windows 7 and do not care to replace it with a Playbook
10 |
5.81% |
I purchased an iPad and will repalce it with a Playbook
14 |
8.14% |
I purchased an Android tablet and will replace it with a Playbook
4 |
2.33% |
I purchased a Win 7 tablet and will replace it with a Playbook
2 |
1.16% |
I do not need a tablet, and do not plan on purchasing one in the future,
17 |
9.88% |
11-19-2010, 10:28 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
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Is there one sold @ Best Buy that is 3G and unlocked?
11-19-2010, 10:40 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I don't know if it is unlocked...
Applexxx174; - iPadxxx153; with Wi-Fi + 3G - 32GB - MC496LL/A
AT&T and T-Mobile use different 3G frequencies here, so being unlocked in the US for 3G doesn't do much unless the device can pick up the different frequencies.
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Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold.
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11-19-2010, 11:16 AM
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Depends on what capabilities the system will have. I really like the size. Contrary to Mr Jobs rant - I think the 7" size of the Galaxy tab and playbook will be about right.
How is media going to be handled? Will I be able to Skype with my family? Can I do Google docs? WIll I be able to do GPS?
I have lots of questions...
11-19-2010, 11:22 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Originally Posted by daphne
I would love to have a Playbook, but it depends on several factors including price and my budget, also the carrier, if it's going to have 3G or 4G.
I guess I really don't understand the embedded 3G/4G in the system. Why do I want to tie my coimputing device to a particular network, and why do I want to pay a per device connection fee to the cellular gods?
To me getting a MiFi with 5 connections that I can share 1 data plan with my tablet, ipod, netbook, and my family's laptops. I get flexibility and a much smaller bill.
You can get a Virgin mobile version of the MiFi and do pay-as-you-go.
11-19-2010, 02:25 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
it has a module cavity to take it to 3g/ 4g/ LTE, even change it from slave to master unit.
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11-19-2010, 04:51 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I bought the iPad the day it came out... Loved it, but now it is standing on its dock... collecting dust.
I don't know if it's my "fault" or what. I thought we'd use it all the time at home for web browsing or casual email consulting.
I'm looking forward to the PlayBook... and hope it won't disappoint me. Until now BlackBerry devices have been a great experience to me.
P'9981 || 2 x 9800 || 9700 || 9105 || RIP: 8100; 2 x 8120; 8800; 8820; 8900; 2 x 9000; 9500.
12-02-2010, 11:45 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Since my Storm 2 was stolen AND that was the link I was missing between my laptop and regular phone...
I think my next logic step will be to wait for the rumored Storm 3 with 3.7" screen and also QNX OS...
Thats what im gonna get, not a redundant tablet...
9550 (was Stolen  ) >>> 9000
12-06-2010, 12:10 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I have an iPad but I don't like Apple and cannot stand not having FLASH.
Boldly going nowhere
12-06-2010, 04:50 PM
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I am waiting for the playbook. I have been waiting for something like this and have forgone the netbooks and now I hope I won't be disappointed. can't wait.
12-07-2010, 10:30 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
iPAD's are NOT locked to any carrier. They have no phone, so why would they lock it to a carrier? I have one working on 3G on Bell in Canada and it will work on any carrier you choose, by changing the mirco sim to that carrier. It's lacking in many areas...basically nothing more than an overgrown iPOD with a faster browser, but no Flash support, making it useless. Once they release a standalone 3G Playbook, I'm a buyer, but not if it's only available as a BB tether. As usual, Apple locked this thing down with very few usable features, including limited to no local storage, unless you use iTUNES. It's far from a business tool. I use it to read the news and browse the web...basically, that's about all it's good for for me.
Steve (Besadmin)
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At least 17+ different BB's since 1999 -- too many to list...
Last edited by stevew; 12-07-2010 at 10:33 AM..
12-07-2010, 02:58 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
there will be WiFi on all plus GSM and CDMA versions.
You can also tether it to a device too.
I had to fall
To lose it all
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Rocking the Motion with out lotion.
12-08-2010, 12:46 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Originally Posted by stevew
iPAD's are NOT locked to any carrier. They have no phone, so why would they lock it to a carrier? I have one working on 3G on Bell in Canada and it will work on any carrier you choose, by changing the mirco sim to that carrier. It's lacking in many areas...basically nothing more than an overgrown iPOD with a faster browser, but no Flash support, making it useless. Once they release a standalone 3G Playbook, I'm a buyer, but not if it's only available as a BB tether. As usual, Apple locked this thing down with very few usable features, including limited to no local storage, unless you use iTUNES. It's far from a business tool. I use it to read the news and browse the web...basically, that's about all it's good for for me.
There are huge advantages to the iPad. The large amount of usable apps that are extremely easy to get on the device via numerous easy methods. The application base is what sets the iPad apart. I admit, the browser is bad, and the lack of flash support is even worse.
I really hope that RIM will get their act together and create a proper application delivery system for their new operating system.
12-14-2010, 04:33 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Originally Posted by rambo47
I'm going to wait until I see one in person, try it out, and read the reviews by early adopters (not paid reviewers). If it's anything like the hype, I will replace my iPad with one.
Me too!
12-14-2010, 05:15 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I am really looking forward to seeing one up close an personal. I want to see what I/O will be available, if it can support presentations, bluetooth presenter would be great.
12-25-2010, 08:27 PM
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Re: Will you purchase one?
YES, I will definitely purchase one. The sooner that RIM releases it, the better! I know I won't be disappointed.
- CB
12-25-2010, 11:21 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I'd definitely like to have a tablet, one with better capabilities than an iPad. Also, the smaller form factor interests me...I think I can hold a 7" device in one hand, while the iPad is a little too large and clumsy.
However...I'm going to take a hard look at exactly what the Playbook has to offer and can do. I don't _need_ a tablet...
12-26-2010, 06:30 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Originally Posted by Tom
Will you purchase a BlackBerry Playbook or will you go after a Windows 7 tablet, Android Tablet or iPad?
Waiting on the playbook, but kind of hoping they'll release a 3G/4G version along with or soon after the wifi version.
12-26-2010, 11:08 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Looking at getting Torch and playbook.
01-04-2011, 02:20 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
The Playbook's QNX operating system at the heart is a very attractive offering, and the ability to integrate with BES even better. I think RIM acquiring QNX was a very smart move. We will end up getting a Playbook if for no other reason than to put it through the paces as a mobile offering to some of our users who we're fairly certain could benefit from it. Put it in their hands and let them run with it...
That said we will also purchase some sort of Windows 7 based slate device. Being in health, we can see some huge advantages in certain scenarios for health care front line staff to have instant and immediate access to their electronic tools. Now all we need is the time!
01-09-2011, 08:34 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I will get one seeing that i am completely mobile due to work
portability is a must