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Old 05-25-2010, 02:14 PM   #1
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Default Connecting to my Mac

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I have BB Desktop manager running, it sees my Curve with the model number, but I can't sync since it says it is not connected. If it knows I have a Curve and memory card, why isn't it connecting so I can sync?
Old 05-25-2010, 02:19 PM   #2
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Moved to the Mac section.

What version of DM are you using?

What OS on the Mac?

Did you try removing the SD card?

Is the sync properly configured in DM?

Do you have a BB data plan?

What troubleshooting steps have you taken so far?
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Old 05-25-2010, 03:26 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Dubdub View Post
Moved to the Mac section.

What version of DM are you using?

What OS on the Mac? 10.5.8

Did you try removing the SD card? Yes, no change. Still not connecting.

Is the sync properly configured in DM? Don't know, but it read the model # and knew I had a SD card.

Do you have a BB data plan? No

What troubleshooting steps have you taken so far?
Reloaded DM software today (new version?) and re-powered a couple of times.
Old 05-25-2010, 04:10 PM   #4
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Bingo. You need the BB data plan. Am seeing and hearing more and more that the current DM and OS versions for both Windows and Mac require the user to have a BB data plan active. Don't ask why. Ask RIM and your carrier that question.

I thought the latest Mac DM was 1.03, not 4.5 something.

Are you DM for the Mac or are you using the PC version using Bootcamp/Parallels/VMFusion?
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Old 05-25-2010, 04:27 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Dubdub View Post
Bingo. You need the BB data plan. Am seeing and hearing more and more that the current DM and OS versions for both Windows and Mac require the user to have a BB data plan active. Don't ask why. Ask RIM and your carrier that question.

I thought the latest Mac DM was 1.03, not 4.5 something.
You are right, the DM is 1.0.3. The 4.5 was the version on my BB.

Are you DM for the Mac or are you using the PC version using Bootcamp/Parallels/VMFusion?
I'm using a mac, but did try to load the DM via Parallels, but that didn't work either.

What is the BB Data Plan? Do I have to sign up for it? Does it cost $$?
Old 05-25-2010, 06:18 PM   #6
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I am surprised that you don't already have one, since you have a BB on Verizon. In any case, you will eventually as they routinely scan ESN/IMEI's and add the data plans if required by the device. You need to call Verizon and have it added and activated and service books pushed.

I think Verizon is about $30 a month for BB data, over and above the voice and text plans.
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Old 05-27-2010, 10:40 AM   #7
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Parallels has problems with the USB ports connecting to peripherals. Best to use VMWare or Boot Camp to run Windows and Desktop Manager.

I keep an old IBM ThinkPad around for phone stuff, although I'm almost exclusively a Mac user. For me, that's the simplest and most cost-effective solution to doing updates.
Old 06-10-2010, 07:46 AM   #8
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Newbie here kinda threadjacking this, well, thread: I have a 8310 Curve which I connected to my Mac (10.6, DM 1.0.3 build 19) and was going to let it upgrade the OS (currently at and going to Is that a good move?). Now this blackberry is rather empty -- I got it to learn how to program them and, right now, to compare with my ancient iphone -- so I told it not to backup any data since I have none. Also, I am going to use it with t-mobile, who said if I wanted to use it all I would have to do was to let them know so they would change my data plan from the iphone (yeah they are smart and do not care as long as they are getting paid) to the BB. Would that mean I need to wait for that to happen before trying to backup/update the OS/somehow copy my address book/whatever to the phone?
Old 06-12-2010, 12:16 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by rambo47 View Post
Parallels has problems with the USB ports connecting to peripherals. Best to use VMWare or Boot Camp to run Windows and Desktop Manager.

I keep an old IBM ThinkPad around for phone stuff, although I'm almost exclusively a Mac user. For me, that's the simplest and most cost-effective solution to doing updates.
I can concur through exhaustive hours experience on my 2008 MacBook 13" Aluminum Unibody with Parallels 5 & installed the Parallels' Tools for Window XP SP3.

I think I'll use the latest build of VMWare, hoping the speed is comparable for Windows VM boot times.
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