I am realy interested in Voice dialing on the BB8700, I was pointed to this link:
http://mobilevoicecontrol.com/index.htm and I have also contacted them about if it is comaptible with the 8700 and here is what their response was:
Thank you for your interest.
Currently we only run on the Blackberry 7520 and 7100i from Nextel. We are exploring the business cases of running on other carrier devices and have not concluded our evaluation yet. We will be making a decision in the next month or so, so please check back at our website. The response for other blackberry devices has been overwhelming, and we are making sure we evaluate the business properly.
Please keep checking in at our website for more details over the next month.
MobileVoiceControl Support
I then later emailed them with support to think about this and to visit this forum and others and see that there is demand by others, I even suggested that they partner with RIM in making their software to be part of the BB units.
May be a joint effort from here can convince them to expand.