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Old 01-01-2009, 10:48 PM   #1
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Default Possible to purchase a single CAL for Software Express (BPS)?

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Is it possible to purchase one, single CAL?

I have a very, very small business (myself & one other). We have Windows Small Business Server 2003, which for all practical purposes is an Exchange Server. My colleague has a Blackberry, but since I've had a Treo, our needs have been met with the BPS Express and the one free license it comes with. Today I finally made the switch, and now I too have a Blackberry. From what I can see on their website, I will need to purchase a 5-CAL bundle for around $500, and from there I can purchase them one at a time for $99.00.

I'm hoping I'm not reading this right.

Am I able to purchase just one, single CAL instead of the 5 pack?

Thanks for your help.


P.S. I'm very grateful to have found this board. I'm a psychologist with a love for technology, but I'm way over my head even trying to administer the server I'm using. It looks like I can learn a lot by reading through all of your previous posts. Thanks again!
Old 01-02-2009, 04:05 AM   #2
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Yes you can,
You need to get in contact with your local RIM reseller, it looks like you're with Verzion, if you give them a call, then they can give you the price for just the one CAL.
I think (though don't quote me on this) that some providors actually give you a CAL when you sign up for their BES data package.
Old 01-02-2009, 10:42 AM   #3
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As the prior poster indicated, indeed you can and my office does this - contact your local corporate VZW store. They overnight you one piece of paper -- the CAL license code.

The trick is getting/keeping the product code since many of the VZW reps (consumer side) wont know what your asking for (YMMV) making this a bit more time consuming (at least the first time). I think a BPS and BES CAL is the same, IIRC. That may help the rep.

Old 01-02-2009, 01:19 PM   #4
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Default Resolved--Thank you!

Thank you for this help. I was on the phone with a Verizon representative (and the two additional people he forwarded me to) for about 40 minutes, and was unable to find anyone who knew what I was talking about. Each of them insisted that the phone comes with everything needed for this type of sync, and that no additional software is necessary. I remember these same discussions when I tried to set up my colleague's BB six months ago.

Bottom line is that I learned I am able to buy the singe user CAL directly from BB for $99.00. I ended up purchasing it from for $88.00. And that call only lasted 4 minutes, from start to finish.

Thanks again,
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