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Old 08-17-2005, 11:35 AM   #1
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Default BES Domino 4.0 SP2

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Getting closer, here's the release notes.
BlackBerry Enterprise Server for IBM Lotus DominoVersion 4.0 Service Pack 2Release Notes
BlackBerry Enterprise Server for IBM Lotus Domino
©2005 Research In Motion Limited. All Rights Reserved. The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images, and symbols are the exclusive properties of Research In Motion Limited. RIM, Research In Motion, “Always On, Always Connected”, the “envelope in motion” symbol, and BlackBerry are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries.Adobe, Acrobat, and Reader are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States, and/or other countries. IBM, Lotus, Domino, Lotus Notes, and iNotes are either trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. or other countries. Microsoft and Windows are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners.The BlackBerry handheld and/or associated software are protected by copyright, international treaties, and various patents, including one or more of the following U.S. patents: 6,278,442; 6,271,605; 6,219,694; 6,075,470; 6,073,318; D445,428; D433,460; D416,256. Other patents are registered or pending in various countries around the world. Visit for a current listing of applicable patents.This document is provided “as is” and Research In Motion Limited (RIM) assumes no responsibility for any typographical, technical, or other inaccuracies in this document. RIM reserves the right to periodically change information that is contained in this document; however, RIM makes no commitment to provide any such changes, updates, enhancements, or other additions to this document to you in a timely manner or at all. RIM MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS, OR COVENANTS, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, DURABILITY, TITLE, OR RELATED TO THE PERFORMANCE OR NON-PERFORMANCE OF ANY SOFTWARE REFERENCED HEREIN, OR PERFORMANCE OF ANY SERVICES REFERENCED HEREIN). IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR USE OF THIS DOCUMENTATION, NEITHER RIM NOR THEIR RESPECTIVE DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, OR CONSULTANTS SHALL BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER BE THEY DIRECT, ECONOMIC, COMMERCIAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, EVEN IF RIM HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF BUSINESS REVENUE OR EARNINGS, LOST DATA, DAMAGES CAUSED BY DELAYS, LOST PROFITS, OR A FAILURE TO REALIZE EXPECTED SAVINGS.This document might contain references to third-party sources of information and/or third-party web sites (“Third-Party Information”). RIM does not control, and is not responsible for, any Third-Party Information, including, without limitation, the content, accuracy, copyright compliance, legality, decency, links, or any other aspect of Third-Party Information. The inclusion of Third-Party Information in this document does not imply endorsement by RIM of the third party in any way. Any dealings with third parties, including, without limitation, compliance with applicable licenses, and terms and conditions are solely between you and the third party. RIM shall not be responsible or liable for any part of such dealings.SWD_X_BES(EN)-072.009NoteThis document is provided for informational purposes only, and does not constitute a binding legal document unless specifically incorporated by reference into a binding legal agreement between you and Research In Motion (RIM). In the event that you enter into a binding legal agreement with RIM, all provisions contained in such binding legal agreement shall apply, regardless of whether such provisions conflict with information contained herein.
Release Notes
Related resourcesTo view the guides, you must have Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® 3.0 or later installed on your computer.Product informationThe BlackBerry® Enterprise Server 4.0 SP2 requires one of the following operating systems:•Microsoft Windows 2000 (Server or Advanced Server editions)•Microsoft Windows Server™ 2003 SP1The BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.0 SP2 requires Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 SP1 or later installed on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server computer. See the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Installation Guide for more information.Installing the service pack If your IBM® Lotus® Domino® server is set to start automatically, turn off this setting before you install the service pack.Functional changesGuideInformationBlackBerry Enterprise Server Quick Start Guide•hardware requirements•overview of installation instructionsBlackBerry Enterprise Server Installation Guide•system requirements•installation instructions•upgrade instructionsBlackBerry Enterprise Server Feature and Technical Overview•overview of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server™FeatureDescriptionSet expiry time for wireless enterprise activation passwordYou can now set the expiry time for the wireless enterprise activation password, to a maximum 720 hours (30 days). (SDR 48100)See the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Handheld Management Guide for more information.Detect read/unread display support based on user’s mail templateThe BlackBerry® Messaging Agent now checks the version of user mail templates and, for templates earlier than IBM Lotus Domino R6, does not synchronize read/unread marks to the handheld. (SDR 44719)Limit number of attempted message deliveries before automated notifications are sentThe Messaging Agent now limits the number of attempts to deliver a message before sending an automated notification. After five unsuccessful attempts to open a message (for example, attempting to open a large message over a slow network connection), an automated notification is sent indicating the message cannot be delivered.The Messaging Agent logs now record the number of attempts to open a message. (SDR 41205)Turn off automated notifications sent to users for a particular messageYou can now turn off automated notifications sent to users for undeliverable messages by setting the limit to 0. (SDR 41697) See the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Administration Guide for more information.Customize the automated notification for undeliverable messagesYou can now customize the subject line of the automated notifications sent for undeliverable messages (SDR 41143). See the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Administration Guide for more information.Parse WML in accordance with WAP-WML specification version 1.3.The BlackBerry Mobile Data Service browser opens a WML script that is not well-formed or does not comply with WAP-WML. The text or link related to the non-compliant script does not display in the browser. In its place, an error message that describes the WML syntax error appears. (SDR 35426, SDR 31757, SDR 31272)
BlackBerry Enterprise Server for IBM Lotus Domino
Fixed issues Set wireless PIM synchronization support for local iNotes accounts.You can now enable wireless PIM synchronization support for local Lotus Domino Web Access (iNotes™) accounts that have not synchronized with the Domino mail server. (SDR 53338)In the registry, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\Agents create a new DWORD value called “AllowUnsyncedINotes”.•If this value is set to 1, the Synchronization Service can access the user’s address book.•If this value is set to 0, or does not exist, the Synchronization Service cannot access the user’s address book.Tip: Synchronize the local iNotes account with the Domino server version to verify that the user’s account is synchronized correctly to the Domino server.BlackBerry AlertSDR 42976Previously, in certain circumstances, the BlackBerry Alert might have caused the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to stop responding.BlackBerry Attachment ServiceSDR 50045Previously, if a user searched an attachment on the BlackBerry Wireless Handheld™ and the search results included a text string, no results were returned.SDR 48451Previously, in certain circumstances, a request to view a Microsoft Excel attachment that contained a very large cell might have failed. An “An unknown error was encountered” message displayed on the handheld.SDR 48092Previously, in certain circumstances, a request to view a PDF attachment on the handheld might have timed out.BlackBerry Configuration PanelSDR 50497Previously, when you tested the connection to the BlackBerry Infrastructure in the BlackBerry Configuration Panel, some of the information in the status pane was truncated and could not be read.BlackBerry ControllerSDR 41980Previously, during an automated restart, if the nserver.exe process did not start successfully, the BlackBerry Controller might have incorrectly assumed that the restart was successful.BlackBerry ManagerSDR 53987Previously, in certain circumstances, when importing users from a BlackBerry Enterprise Server 2.2 into a multiple BlackBerry Enterprise Server environment, the process might have created profile documents on multiple BlackBerry Enterprise Servers and set the incorrect routing information.SDR 53645Previously, the Import Users from Legacy Server menu item listed only the BlackBerry Enterprise Servers within the same Notes Named Network as the BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.0.SDR 51318Previously, if your evaluation key expired and you added a new evaluation key, the BlackBerry Dispatcher still did not start.SDR 50653Previously, if a user changed their message redirection settings in the Desktop Manager, the change would take effect, but the BlackBerry Manager continued to display the previous settings.SDR 50165Previously, if you assigned a user to an IT policy that did not contain any rules from the Device policy group, the policy was not delivered to the handheld.SDR 50147Previously, if you removed an IT policy, confirmed the removal, and then clicked Apply, an application error message displayed before the policy was removed.SDR 46941Previously, in certain circumstances, when you sent a peer-to-peer encryption key to a handheld using the BlackBerry Manager, the peer-to-peer encryption key could not be removed from the handheld using the BlackBerry Manager. SDR 46600Previously, if two users with the same mail file path and, or mail file name existed on different messaging servers, you could not add both users to the same BlackBerry Enterprise Server.SDR 45814Previously, if you turned off and subsequently re-enabled message redirection for a user, messages sent to the user while redirection was turned off were delivered to the handheld when redirection was re-enabled.SDR 40996Previously, if you installed the BlackBerry Manager on a remote computer on which IBM Lotus Notes 7 was installed, the BlackBerry Manager did not start.BlackBerry Messaging AgentSDR 60484Previously, in certain circumstances, if a user requested more of a message and the content was retrieved from the message delivery cache, the content delivered might be from a different message.SDR 43012Previously, some level 5 events were not displayed in the Messaging Agent logs.
Feature Description
Release Notes
SDR 31982Previously, when state database pruning occurred, the state database might have been compacted with an empty string for the state database name.SDR 19931Previously, when the log file recorded wireless folder management synchronization, the integer identifying each folder did not display correctly.SDR 19397Previously, in certain circumstances, the wireless synchronization of nested folders created multiple copies of the same folder.Configuration databaseSDR 50852Previously, unless the BlackBerry Controller was configured to restart nonresponsive threads, a thread could wait indefinitely for a response from the configuration database.SDR 48505Previously, if the connection with the configuration database was dropped, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server stopped responding.SDR 45703Previously, the maximum size for Microsoft SQL Server database transaction log was 50 MB.Setup programSDR 50506Previously, when you installed the BlackBerry Enterprise Server from the web version of the software, and specified a local configuration database running on MDSE, the machine restarted unexpectedly when MDSE was installed.SDR 48802Previously, you could not install a remote BlackBerry Manager on computers running IBM Lotus Notes® 7 Beta 2.SDR 46003Previously, on occasion, if you changed the authentication method to the configuration database using the Configuration Tool, and you specified invalid SQL credentials, you might not have automatically returned to the previous valid Microsoft Windows credentials.SDR 45583Previously, you could change the SRP identifier during an upgrade, which required that all handhelds on that BlackBerry Enterprise Server be reactivated.SDR 40956Previously, when you upgraded the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, the setup program did not preserve user defined log levels.Wireless calendar synchronizationSDR 54086Previously, if a user created a recurring appointment on their handheld and specified the Nuku’alofa GMT +13:00 time zone, the appointment did not synchronize to their desktop.SDR 54080Previously, if a user created a recurring appointment with an alarm and then turned the alarm off for all instances on their desktop, all instances synchronized to the handheld as exceptions.SDR 53824Previously, if a user accepted a meeting with a reminder on their handheld, an alarm was unexpectedly enabled on the desktop.SDR 53195Previously, when a user deleted an instance of a recurring appointment, the appointment was updated before the instance was deleted.SDR 49682Previously, if differences existed between the body of a recurring appointment and some instances of that appointment, all instances were synchronized to the handheld as exceptions.SDR 47937Previously, if a user selected the option not to see meeting notices in the inbox, cancelled meetings were not removed from the handheld.SDR 37973Previously, if a user created a private recurring appointment in their desktop, and subsequently removed the private flag, that change was only synchronized to the handheld on the first occurrence of the appointment rather than the whole series.SDR 50499Previously, if you created a recurring appointment, and the first instance of the appointment occurred on a day of the month earlier than the rest of the instances, the appointment does not synchronize correctly to Java™-based handhelds.SDR 50443Previously, the initial calendar synchronization might have taken a long time if the user had a large number of calendar entries.SDR 50359Previously, if you changed an instance of a recurring appointment, and saved the changes to that instance and all previous instances, the changes were synchronized as separate changes rather than a single change to multiple instances.Wireless PIM synchronizationSDR 57843Previously, if a user performed an address lookup on their handheld, and added the search results to their personal address book, the canonical name of those users was not added as part of the entry. As a result, if a meeting invitation was created using the incomplete personal address book entry, the meeting invitee could not accept or decline the invitation, and the meeting organizer could not see the invitee’s availability. SDR 54572Previously, connections to the configuration database were automatically reset when any type of error occurred, rather than just for connection-related errors. SDR 54567Previously, in certain circumstances, the BlackBerry Synchronization Service created duplicate error entries in the logs.SDR 53109Previously, when the user enabled and turned off the out of office setting on the handheld, the action did not clear the list of users already notified and the users already notified were notified again.SDR 52946Previously, if you changed a user’s PIM synchronization settings to use a Domino database (for example, journal.nsf) in a different location, and that database was copy rather than a replica of the original database, wireless synchronization with the handheld caused duplicate entries.SDR 50356Previously, in certain circumstances, if a user deleted a category from the personal address book on the handheld, the change did not update correctly to the desktop computer.
BlackBerry Messaging Agent
BlackBerry Enterprise Server for IBM Lotus Domino
Known issues SDR 47919Previously, if you created a custom mapping between a handheld address book field and the Home Fax field in the desktop address book, synchronization only worked from the handheld to the desktop, and not from the desktop to the handheld.SDR 47862Previously, if a user enabled the out of office setting on the handheld, the notification messages were sent from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, not from the user.SDR 46708Previously, if the connection to the remote configuration database was lost, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server updated the user message settings every 30 seconds until the BlackBerry Enterprise Server was restarted.BlackBerry AlertSDR 50575If you specify a console address for notification, alerts are not sent successfully.BlackBerry Attachment ServiceSDR 56666In certain circumstances, Acrobat version 1.3 PDF attachments that third-party applications generate might not display correctly on the handheld.SDR 51971Attachments that contain Czech characters might not display correctly on the handheld.SDR 44322If the registry key (located in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BBAttachSer ver\Parameters\EnableLog) is not set to 5, the Attachment Service and Attachment Conversion logs do not generate.BlackBerry ControllerSDR 47830In certain circumstances, the BlackBerry Controller might not restart the Domino server console.BlackBerry ManagerSDR 50094You cannot assign separate application policies to additional applications because the BlackBerry Enterprise Server does not support multiple versions of an application on a handheld.SDR 49376If you upgrade from BlackBerry Enterprise Server 2.2 SP 1 or SP 3 to BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.0 SP 1 and change the SRP ID in BlackBerry Manager, users do not receive the update on their handhelds.Workaround: You must cradle the handheld to update the SRP ID correctly.SDR 49373Device type information for WLAN handhelds does not display correctly in the BlackBerry Manager.BlackBerry Messaging AgentSDR 60578 If the body of a cached message is deleted or becomes corrupted, and a user requests more of that message, random content is delivered to the handheld.SDR 50370If you add a user to an IT policy containing the Disable Wireless Calendar IT policy rule, the change does not synchronize to the user’s handheld.SDR 50160If a user’s person document includes Format preference for an incoming message set to Prefers MIME, and the user forwards a message including an attachment from their handheld, the recipient cannot open the attachment on their handheld.Workaround: Turn off MIME on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.SDR 47020After you remove a user from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, the Messaging Agent and console logs continue to show transaction errors for that user.BlackBerry Mobile Data ServiceSDR 61214In certain situations, users do not receive push application data on their handhelds. Mobile Data Service logs an AdminTask out-of-memory error in the log file.Workaround: Restart the Mobile Data Service. SDR 58928WML parser validation is turned on by default.SDR 33227SNMP traps for the Mobile Data Service do not appear correctly in an SNMP trap viewer.Configuration databaseSDR 47370The BlackBerry Policy Service cannot connect to a local configuration database on a computer running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 unless Named Pipes and TCP/IP are enabled.See the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Installation Guide for more information on configuring MDSE 2000.SDR 44937In certain circumstances, if you change configuration databases while the IBM Lotus Domino server is stopped, and then add users to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, the BlackBerry Profiles database continues to use the user record IDs from the old configuration database, so Display Names and User Names no longer match.
Wireless PIM synchronization
Release Notes
IT policySDR 50370In certain circumstances, if you create the Disable Wireless Calendar IT policy from the desktop computer, and then add a user to the IT policy, the change does not synchronize to the user’s handheld.Setup programSDR 61394When you upgrade the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to version 4.0 SP2, the Mobile Data Service statistics and status web page do not display and the Mobile Data Service log file does not properly show the resource string. The upgrade does not remove the Tomcat library files from the previous BlackBerry Enterprise Server installation. Workaround: After you upgrade the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, complete the following tasks on the computer running the upgraded BlackBerry Enterprise Server:1. Remove the following outdated jar files from <drive>:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\MDS\classpath:•bootstrap.jar•logresourcebun dle.jar•servlet.jarNote: Remove the jar files with dates that do not match the date of your upgrade. 2. Remove the following directories and their contents from <drive>: \Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\MDS\webserver: •\bin•\common•\server3. Restart the Mobile Data Service.SDR 57947
SDR 55026When you upgrade from BlackBerry Enterprise Server 2.2, if the server name contains an apostrophe, the upgrade fails.SDR 49465If you attempt to install BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.0 HF1 or HF 2 using an account different than the one you used to install the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, an error message appears.SDR 37643If you run the setup program using an account that contains accented characters, after you provide the Windows login information, the setup program terminates unexpectedly.Wireless enterprise activationSDR 37897In certain circumstances, if you assign and activate two different users on separate BlackBerry Enterprise Servers that both use the same configuration database, the user's PIN might not synchronize correctly between the desktop computer and the configuration database.Wireless PIM synchronizationSDR 50864If you move a user configured for Lotus Domino Web Access to a different messaging server, the location of their PIM databases is not updated automatically.
Richard Sun
[email address]
Old 08-17-2005, 07:12 PM   #2
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That looked crappy, sorry
Richard Sun
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Old 08-17-2005, 07:38 PM   #3
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Where did you get the release notes?
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Old 08-17-2005, 08:23 PM   #4
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We're working with RIM and they promissed us SP2 last Friday, but unfortunately they said they should be able to get it to us this weekend, so they gave us this teaser
Richard Sun
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Old 08-17-2005, 09:25 PM   #5
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Old 08-19-2005, 01:58 PM   #6
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Got me an advanced copy of SP2 today. FTP it down as we speak. I have been guaranteed that this will take care of all my APB issues...and also a few other problems. Will let you guys know.
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Old 08-19-2005, 02:18 PM   #7
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Yes, pleae let it know how it goes
Richard Sun
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Old 08-19-2005, 03:39 PM   #8
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Got my copy as well. let's hope for the best.
Richard Sun
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Old 08-19-2005, 04:33 PM   #9
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I got it as well, there's a setup.exe and a upgrade.exe, a quick look at the instructions says to do a setup.exe, wonder what upgrade.exe does, has anyone tried this?
Richard Sun
[email address]

Last edited by rsun; 08-19-2005 at 04:35 PM..
Old 08-19-2005, 08:32 PM   #10
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How did you get this already? Are you part of a unique support group? Hope it comes out to the general public next week... Let us know how it does with the APB's!!
Old 08-20-2005, 04:38 PM   #11
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We've been working directly with a RIM person and they gave it to us from an internal ftp site.
Richard Sun
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Old 08-21-2005, 11:15 PM   #12
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Same here....They are suppose to have it release to the rest of you by next week I was told.
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Old 08-25-2005, 06:27 PM   #13
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SP2 is on the webpage now!
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