Originally Posted by Dawg
and it is gps enabled. You just cant use the GPS the way you want to.
Agreed, My Curve box says may things it does that I have to pay extra for. MyFaves, Instant Messaging, Picture Messaging, Text Messaging, EDGE / GPRS. We wonder why our legal system is so slow.
You don't like a product, return it. If every Verizon customer "effected" by this issue just returned the product in the 30 day window Verizon may step back and say wow what have we done. It is a new toy, so I am sure GPS was one of the first functions tried out of the box.
As with most "Class Action" cases there is only one winner. The attorneys on both sides. The Verizon customers who join the action will probably settle for $13.00 each after legal fees and lets not forget Verizon has to recoup the money they spend defending the action. I wonder if they will have to pass that along to their customers over time by increasing fees or cutbacks.
Don't get me wrong, I believe many things need to go forward in a legal means but somethings can be resolved with a simple return of the product which hurts them a lot more.
I have kicked my soap box to the side.