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Old 12-21-2006, 05:30 PM   #1
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Default RIM 3rd Quarter for 2006 - OUTSTANDING

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Revenue for the third quarter was $835.1 million, up 26.8% from $658.5 million in the previous quarter and up 49% from $560.6 million in the same quarter of last year. The revenue breakdown for the quarter was approximately 75% for handhelds, 17% for service, 5% for software, and 3% for other revenue.

Approximately 875,000 BlackBerry subscriber accounts were added in the quarter. [WOW!!!!]

At the end of the quarter, the total BlackBerry subscriber account base was approximately 7 million.

"We are extremely pleased with the strong revenue and subscriber account growth achieved in the third quarter," said Jim Balsillie, Chairman and Co-CEO at RIM. "New product launches during the past few months have exceeded our expectations and we look forward to continuing this momentum into the new year."

I have to think that the Pearl had a lot to do with these numbers. There was speculation as to how many Pearls had been sold since Sept's introduction. IMHO many, if not most, of those 875,000 accounts added were the result of Pearl purchases.
Old 12-21-2006, 11:10 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by SanFrancisco
Revenue for the third quarter was $835.1 million, up 26.8% from $658.5 million in the previous quarter and up 49% from $560.6 million in the same quarter of last year. The revenue breakdown for the quarter was approximately 75% for handhelds, 17% for service, 5% for software, and 3% for other revenue.

Approximately 875,000 BlackBerry subscriber accounts were added in the quarter. [WOW!!!!]

I have to think that the Pearl had a lot to do with these numbers. There was speculation as to how many Pearls had been sold since Sept's introduction. IMHO many, if not most, of those 875,000 accounts added were the result of Pearl purchases.
You can't deny momentum. Interesting to note - RIM were very pleasantly surprised that the Pearl was not only a hit in the "prosumer" market, but also in the enterprise space as well, without cannibalizing sales of their other enterprise handhelds.
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Old 12-28-2006, 05:54 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by aarontoronto
without cannibalizing sales of their other enterprise handhelds.
Except, of course, for the 7130c.
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