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Old 02-02-2006, 11:20 AM   #1
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Default You can not buy advertising like this!

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The DOJ letter to the judge in the lawsuit has been the top story on CNN.COM for at least 30 minutes.

Originally they showed a picture of a man holding a 950 (ha!) and then a 7700 and finally (now) a 7100.
Old 02-02-2006, 11:25 AM   #2
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Old 02-03-2006, 12:42 AM   #3
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This can go two ways though. It can be considered free advertising, but on the flip side it could also put an even more negative spin on the situation in the eyes of potential new users. A lot of folks I have talked to are weary off getting a BB even though I am a new user and whoring my addiction to my crackberry like there is no tomorrow to them. They are just scared to make any sort of move on it.

If things do go bad, which I doubt but I have seen weirder things happen, I would have time to return my 8700 and get a Nokia E61, which is the only thing I would think about get in the same vain as the 8700. No more Palm for me, and WM is a joke.
Old 02-06-2006, 01:08 PM   #4
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No such thing as bad publicity.
Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. - Japanese Proverb

Last edited by WiredAsylum; 02-06-2006 at 01:12 PM..
Old 02-07-2006, 08:32 AM   #5
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everyone is making a good point, but I have to agree with sedated - i have heard from more than one person that they are scared to buy a BB because of the lawsuit. A small business owner that I know was rolling them out to his employees, but then changed his mind - doesn't want to take the risk since his company is in its infancy.

I guess sedated had me in the bandwagon when he fessed up that he whores his crackberry!!
Old 02-08-2006, 09:14 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by sedated
This can go two ways though. It can be considered free advertising, but on the flip side it could also put an even more negative spin on the situation in the eyes of potential new users. A lot of folks I have talked to are weary off getting a BB even though I am a new user and whoring my addiction to my crackberry like there is no tomorrow to them. They are just scared to make any sort of move on it.

If things do go bad, which I doubt but I have seen weirder things happen, I would have time to return my 8700 and get a Nokia E61, which is the only thing I would think about get in the same vain as the 8700. No more Palm for me, and WM is a joke.
off your topic here but I was curious what your prob with the palm is? I am just waiting for Nextel to get a palm with the direct connect then am gonna jump all over it. I havent heard much bad press on them so I was just curious.
sorry to change the subject.
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Old 02-08-2006, 04:29 PM   #7
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Sorry to butt in and continue off topic but personally here's my problem with Palm - a Tungsten T2 uses Chapura to sync, a Tungsten T3 uses Palm Outlook Conduits. They are a nightmare to support in a corporate world.
Without question Palm does some things better in the PIM world, by far the best Tasks but that's an easy trade-off
Old 02-14-2006, 05:40 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by tregrad
off your topic here but I was curious what your prob with the palm is? I am just waiting for Nextel to get a palm with the direct connect then am gonna jump all over it. I havent heard much bad press on them so I was just curious.
sorry to change the subject.
Just to answer your question...I had a Treo 650. I got it at a great price because a good friend is a reseller. Anyways, I had a few issues with it. First off it definitely doesn't have a solid feel. The battery cover felt lose and it wasn't like that only on my phone. In general the Treo felt kinda cheap. Beyond that, it crashed or reset like crazy. I know a lot of folks say they are happy with their Treos and I am not going to argue with them. I just had a bad experience with mine. I have had no issues with my 8700. The thing has a solid feel and true push email is so freaking addicting. My productivity has gone through the roof. I am still in my evaluation phase but I am happy so far. I am still getting used to it and seeing what might work best. Anyways sorry to get really off topic.
Old 02-21-2006, 12:29 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by WiredAsylum
No such thing as bad publicity.
Unless it attracts the IRS. Or a federal judge.
Old 02-22-2006, 11:03 AM   #10
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I agree that the publicity is actually helping RIM

They dont seem to be warning of any sales slowdowns now,

and when this is over and CNN posts how blackberry is going to continue to operate you are going to see them flock to the stores to get 8700's or the latest new BlackBerry's... face it RIM is here to stay and is the next nokia/motorola/samsung etc it will take them a while still to become one of the biggest players but I believe they will and alot of others do too thats part of why their stock is valued so high
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