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Old 09-22-2010, 12:40 PM   #1
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Default Picture TimeStamp released for BBOS5+

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Picture TimeStamp will automatically print the current datetime or custom text and optionally a logo graphic to the picture taken with the camera application. You can also manually select a picture to time stamp from the Media or Files applications.

The stamped picture can be stored in a separate folder or in the same original folder. You can choose different datetime format, text font, text color, text size and position to print the datetime or text.
Logo can be any size and can be position basically anyway on the screen.

Picture TimeStamp can only save picture in JPG format and the maximum size is 1024 x 768. If the picture is too large it will be resized.

You have an option to delete the original picture or keep it.

You also have an option to control the JPG quality when saving.

Above screen shot: Custom text and logo on top right corner

Above screen shot: Datetime text and logo centered


*Automatically print the text and logo on the picture taken with the Camera app
*Automatically rotates the picture if taken in different orientation
*Automatically resize the picture if it is too big
*Save all pictures to a different folder
*Control the text font, color, size and position
*Logo printed can be any size and format can be jpg, png and bmp
*Optionally delete or keep the original picture
*Integrates with the System Camera, Media and Files applications
*You can time and logo stamp and picture using the Media or Files applications
*On the fly custom text. You can enter a different custom text whenever you take a new picture
*Optionally prompt you to stamp the picture

Click here to download or purchase Picture TimeStamp
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