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Old 04-24-2008, 10:28 AM   #1
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Default Perform a cutover to another BlackBerry Enterprise Server in IBM Lotus Domino

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KB04261 - Perform a cutover to another BlackBerry Enterprise Server in an IBM Lotus Domino environment


Before completing the installation instructions in this article, verify the following:

* The Windows® account used to install the BlackBerry Enterprise Server on the new computer is the same one that was used to install the BlackBerry Enterprise Server on the existing computer.
* The new BlackBerry Enterprise Server resides in the same Windows NT® domain as the existing BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
* If the existing BlackBerry Enterprise Server uses a remote Microsoft® SQL Server®, the new BlackBerry Enterprise Server must point to the same BlackBerry Configuration Database location.

Pre-installation checklist

Perform the following steps before installing the BlackBerry Enterprise Server software on another computer:

1. On the computer hosting the existing BlackBerry Enterprise Server, back up the following data:
* The BlackBerry Enterprise Server folder in the C:\Lotus\Domino\Data directory

Note: If a local Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE) or a local Microsoft SQL Server are running in the environment and the database is to be moved to the new computer, back up the following files:

o BESMgmt.ldf
o BESMgmt.mdf

Note: These files are needed for the installation procedure. The cutover cannot be completed if the data files are not backed up or are unavailable.

2. Install the following on the computer hosting the new BlackBerry Enterprise Server. Consult the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Installation Guide for the specific version being installed.
* Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)
* MSDE or Microsoft SQL Server
* The same version of IBM Lotus Domino as the version on the computer that hosts the active BlackBerry Enterprise Server
* BlackBerry Enterprise Server software version 4.0 or 4.1 with the same service packs and hotfixes as the active BlackBerry Enterprise Server. Use the same Server Routing Protocol (SRP) information to install the software

Perform the following tasks to complete the cutover of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
Task 1 - Performing a cutover of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server for IBM Lotus Domino

Perform one of the following procedures:

* Using MSDE
* Using a remote instance of MSDE or Microsoft SQL Server

Using MSDE

Complete the following steps:

1. Set up the BlackBerry Enterprise Server on the new host computer using the same IBM Lotus Domino and BlackBerry Enterprise Server software versions.
2. When configuring the new host computer, create a blank BlackBerry Configuration Database (for example, BESMgmt1) and point the computer to this BlackBerry Configuration Database.

Note: When setting up the new BlackBerry Configuration Database, use the same SRP ID and client access license (CAL) information as in the existing BlackBerry Configuration Database. The existing BlackBerry Configuration Database can be removed after you have completed Step 7.

3. On the active instance of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, stop all BlackBerry Enterprise Server tasks and services.

Important: Restarting the BlackBerry Enterprise Server will delay email message delivery to BlackBerry smartphones. For more information, see KB04789.

4. Start the new instance of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to verify that the installation is complete and the connection is successful.

Note: Because the new BlackBerry Configuration Database is being viewed, no BlackBerry smartphone user accounts are present on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server when you start it.

5. Stop the new instance of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. Copy the following information from the active host computer of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to the new host computer of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server:
* The BESMgmt.ldf and BESMgmt.mdf files. By default, these files belong in the following directory: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data.
* The BES folder in the C:\Lotus\Domino\Data directory
6. Attach the BlackBerry Configuration Database. Complete Task 2 before proceeding to Step 7.

Note: If the new host computer of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server is using a different computer name, IBM Lotus Domino name, or both, complete Task 3 before proceeding to Step 7.

7. On the computer hosting the new BlackBerry Enterprise Server, go to Start > Programs > BlackBerry Enterprise Server > BlackBerry Server Configuration. Click Change Database and point to the database that was copied over in Step 5.
8. Start the BlackBerry Enterprise Server and verify that it is functioning.

Using a remote instance of MSDE or Microsoft SQL Server

If a remote instance of Microsoft SQL Server or MSDE is running in the environment and the BlackBerry Configuration Database is not being moved from its current location, complete the following steps to perform the BlackBerry Enterprise Server cutover.

1. Set up the BlackBerry Enterprise Server on the new computer using the same IBM Lotus Domino and BlackBerry Enterprise Server versions.
2. When configuring the new computer, create a new blank BlackBerry Configuration Database (for example, BESMgmt1) and point the server to it.

Note: When setting up the new BlackBerry Configuration Database, use the same SQL ID and client access license (CAL) information as in the existing BlackBerry Configuration Database. The existing BlackBerry Configuration Database can be removed after you have completed Step 6.

3. On the active instance of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, stop all BlackBerry Enterprise Server tasks and services.

Important: Restarting the BlackBerry Enterprise Server will delay email message delivery to BlackBerry smartphones. For more information, see KB04789.

4. Start the new instance of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to verify that the installation is complete and the connection is successful.

Note: Because the new BlackBerry Configuration Database is being viewed, no BlackBerry smartphone user accounts are present on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server when you start it.

5. Stop the new instance of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. Copy the following information from the active host computer of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to the new host computer of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server:
* The BES folder in the C:\Lotus\Domino\Data directory

Note: If the new host computer of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server is using a different computer name, IBM Lotus Domino name, or both, complete Task 3 before proceeding to Step 6.

6. On the new host computer of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, go to Start > Programs > BlackBerry Enterprise Server > BlackBerry Server Configuration. Click Change Database and point to the remote Microsoft SQL Server and database.
7. Start the BlackBerry Enterprise Server and verify that it is functioning.

Task 2 - Attaching the BlackBerry Configuration Database

If SQL Authentication is used on the local Microsoft SQL Server or MSDE BlackBerry Configuration Database, then the Microsoft SQL Server account and permissions need to be recreated on the new host computer of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server using MSDE or Microsoft SQL Server. When creating the account, make sure the required permissions are turned on as specified in the appropriate version of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Installation Guide.

Attach using Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager

To attach the BlackBerry Configuration Database using Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager, complete the following steps:

1. Open the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
2. Right-click the Databases folder.
3. Select All Tasks > Attach Database.
4. Select the location of the BlackBerry Configuration Database.
5. Click OK.

Attach using OSQL commands

To attach the BlackBerry Configuration Database using OSQL commands, complete these steps:

1. Open a command prompt.
2. Perform one of the following:
* If using Windows Trusted Authentication, type osql -E and press ENTER.
* If using SQL Authentication, type osql -U <username> -P <password> and press ENTER.
3. Type the following commands in the specified order:

1> EXEC sp_attach_db @dbname = 'BESMgmt',
2> @filename1 = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\BESMgmt.mdf',
3> @filename2 = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\BESMgmt.ldf'
4> go

Note: If the BESMgmt.ldf and BESMgmt.mdf files are not located in the default folder, specify the correct locations at the 2> and 3> command lines.

Task 3 - Updating IBM Lotus Domino and Windows Server Name information in the BlackBerry Configuration Database

To update the computer names, complete the steps below for the appropriate software version of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

For BlackBerry Enterprise Server software version 4.1.0 and 4.1.1

1. Open a command prompt, then do one of the following:
* If using Windows Trusted Authentication on the local MSDE or local Microsoft SQL Server, type osql -E and press ENTER.
* If using Windows Trusted Authentication on a remote MSDE or remote Microsoft SQL Server, type osql -E -S <remote computer name or server name> and press ENTER.
* If using SQL Authentication on the local MSDE or local Microsoft SQL Server, type osql -U <username> -P <password> and press ENTER.
* If using SQL Authentication on a remote MSDE or remote Microsoft SQL Server, type osql -U <username> -P <password> -S <remote computer name or server name> and press ENTER.

Type the following commands in the specified order:

1> use BESMgmt
2> go
1> update ServerConfig set ServiceName = 'CN=<domino_server_name>/O=<organization_name>' where ID=1
2> update ServerConfig set MachineName = '<new_computer_name>' where ID=1
3> go
1> update MDSConfig set MDSHost = '<new_computer_name>' where ID=1
2> update MDSConfig set MachineName = '<new_computer_name>' where ID=1
4> go
1> update IMConfig set MachineName = '<new_computer_name>' where ID=1
2> go

For BlackBerry Enterprise Server software version 4.1.2 and higher

1. Open a command prompt, then do one of the following:
* If using Windows Trusted Authentication on the local MSDE or local Microsoft SQL Server, type osql -E and press ENTER.
* If using Windows Trusted Authentication on a remote MSDE or remote Microsoft SQL Server, type osql -E -S <remote computer name or server name> and press ENTER.
* If using SQL Authentication on the local MSDE or local Microsoft SQL Server, type osql -U <username> -P <password> and press ENTER.
* If using SQL Authentication on a remote MSDE or remote Microsoft SQL Server, type osql -U <username> -P <password> -S <remote computer name or server name> and press ENTER.
2. Type the following commands in the specified order:

1> use BESMgmt
2> go
1> update ServerConfig set ServiceName = 'CN=<domino_server_name>/O=<organization_name>' where ID=1
2> update ServerConfig set MachineName = '<new_computer_name>' where ID=1
3> go
1> update MDSConfig set MDSHost = '<new_computer_name>' where ID=1
2> update MDSConfig set MachineName = '<new_computer_name>' where ID=1
3> update MDSConfig set ServerName = '<new_computer_name>_MDS-CS_1' where ID=1
4> go
1> update IMConfig set MachineName = '<new_computer_name>' where ID=1
2> update IMConfig set ServerName = '<new_computer_name> _BBIM_1' where ID=1
3> go
3. Type quit and press ENTER.

For BlackBerry Enterprise Server software version 4.0

1. Open a command prompt, then do one of the following:
* If using Windows Trusted Authentication on the local MSDE or local Microsoft SQL Server, type osql -E and press ENTER.
* If using Windows Trusted Authentication on a remote MSDE or remote Microsoft SQL Server, type osql -E -S <remote computer name or server name> and press ENTER.
* If using SQL Authentication on the local MSDE or local Microsoft SQL Server, type osql -U <username> -P <password> and press ENTER.
* If using SQL Authentication on a remote MSDE or remote Microsoft SQL Server, type osql -U <username> -P <password> -S <remote computer name or server name> and press ENTER..
2. Type the following commands in the specified order:

1> use BESMgmt
2> go
1> update ServerConfig set ServiceName = 'CN=<domino_server_name>/O=<organization_name>' where ID=1
2> update ServerConfig set MachineName = '<new_computer_name>' where ID=1
3> update MDSConfig set MDSHost = '<new_computer_name>' where ID=1
4> go

Additional Info

For more information on moving the BlackBerry Configuration Database to another Microsoft SQL Server, see KB05041.
Old 04-25-2008, 02:46 AM   #2
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Awesome, just what i am going to need ina few days time. Have a cut-over planned but delayed until my four, yes only four, users get back from their travels to far flung climates.
BES, 4.1.7, was SBE now full BES
Domino v7.0.2
Windows Server 2003, standalone
Old 04-25-2008, 09:16 AM   #3
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Its funny their write up is similar to what i did 2 years ago.

Maybe now I can one day (most likely not) get my company use this method since rim did an "official" technote.
Old 04-25-2008, 09:47 AM   #4
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Woo... who's the copy cat? Meow! What?! I'm in that thread too :P
Native but 4th class citizen of a nation governed by idiots who import congestions & contention.
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