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Old 05-07-2009, 02:04 PM   #4
New Member
Join Date: Feb 2009
Model: 8310
Carrier: AT&T
Posts: 3


There is a bug in both ver 1.2 and 2.0

I did not create keepass db on BB. It was pushed to the BB during sync. I had no issue with opening the DB on device or computer. But while synicing when I used to put the correct password in Dm it used to say:
Unable to Decrypt Device Database using the supplied credentials.

with the following in the error log:

a KeePassBB - Transaction completed. - 4/12 19:26:06
a KeePassBB - Ending transaction. - 4/12 19:26:06
a KeePassBB - Convert
com.fairview5.keepassbb.kpobjects.PwSyncManager$Pw SyncMessage ->
DataBuffer - 4/12 19:26:00
a KeePassBB - isSyncObjectDirty
com.fairview5.keepassbb.kpobjects.PwSyncManager$Pw SyncMessage:120 -
4/12 19:26:00
a KeePassBB - getSyncVersion - 4/12 19:26:00
a KeePassBB - Convert com.fairview5.keepassbb.kpobjects.PwSyncObject
-> DataBuffer - 4/12 19:26:00
a KeePassBB - Unable to decrypt device database using the supplied
credentials - 4/12 19:26:00
a KeePassBB - net.rim.device.api.crypto.CryptoIOException (
net.rim.device.api.crypto.BadPaddingException ):null - 4/12 19:26:00
S Java Exception - CryptoIOException - 4/12 19:26:00
a System - CMM: keepassbb(780) no sig from 0x33 - 4/12 19:25:54
a System - CMM: keepassbb(780) no sig from 0x33 - 4/12 19:25:54
a KeePassBB - isSyncObjectDirty
com.fairview5.keepassbb.kpobjects.PwSyncObject:100 - 4/12 19:25:54
a KeePassBB - getSyncVersion - 4/12 19:25:54
a KeePassBB - getSyncObjects PwSyncObject PwSyncMessage - 4/12 19:25:54
a KeePassBB - clearSyncObjectDirty 100 - 4/12 19:25:54
a KeePassBB - AddSyncObject
com.fairview5.keepassbb.kpobjects.PwSyncObject - 4/12 19:25:54
a KeePassBB - Convert PwSyncObject from buffer - 4/12 19:25:54
a KeePassBB - getSyncVersion - 4/12 19:25:54
a KeePassBB - clearSyncObjectDirty 130 - 4/12 19:25:54
a KeePassBB - AddSyncObject
com.fairview5.keepassbb.kpobjects.PwSyncManager$Pw SyncCredentials -
4/12 19:25:54
a KeePassBB - Convert PwSyncCredentials from buffer - 4/12 19:25:54
a KeePassBB - getSyncVersion - 4/12 19:25:54
a KeePassBB - It isn't. - 4/12 19:25:54
a KeePassBB - Checking to see if app is running... - 4/12 19:25:54

I figured out the issue after many days. The issue was the Master password that i had set. It had characters ! and #. '!' being the first character. I set a simple password and the issue was resolved.

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