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Old 07-25-2007, 08:27 PM   #25
New Member
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Golden, CO
Model: 8800
Carrier: Cingular/AT&T
Posts: 13

My favorite add on is definitely Google Maps, especially the sat views when I'm out and about in the woods (assuming I have data coverage, other times it's worthless). Finding the closest 10 resturants or ATMs is an amazingly valuable feature for me. Second place goes to Media Studio for Blackberry. Not an actual BB application, but great for converting dvds to videos for my BB. I have the best of SNL first season and it's a great time kill to watch a skit or two when I'm waiting in line at the DMV... then again, the looks I get for laughing hysterically while watching my Blackberry aren't exactly approving. Opera mini is pretty good, too, but I'm still getting used to a few of it's quirks.

Features and software I'd like to see:
Uploadable maps-specifically topographic maps like Garmin produces for their GPS units. Most of the time I'm lost, I'm out of cell data coverage, so the GPS is of limited value. Don't make me have to switch chips, as some have proposed a map SD card. I need to be able to buy a CD with maps on it, upload the ones I'll be using on that trip to my SD card, but still have room for my MP3 files, work files, and a few hundred Mb for videos since my BB has replaced my portable DVD player on trips.
A full screen video application-No sense in wasting space with controls if you don't need them once the movie is started.
FM band receiver-Wouldn't it be nice to just be able to listen to the radio once in a while without having to stream data? The chip for this is remarkably small and wouldn't add any size.
Software to download data from other devices-I know it's a small segment of the population, but as a cyclist who travels a great deal, I'd love to have just a little piece of code that would allow me to download data from me Garmin Edge 305 into my BB since it has such massive storage with the 2gb card relative to the Garmin unit. It would save me from having to carry my laptop, which is 9/10ths of the reason I own a BB.
Compatability with stereo bluetooth headphones-I've heard the rumors about it, now I'd like to see it. That would completely replace my i-Pod forever.
Audio memo feature-just like the note pad, but as a touch of the button, speak and record feature (digital audio recorder). I had that on my old Toshiba PDA and used it all the time when I was listening to NPR and heard about a book I wanted to buy or a website I needed to visit. Texting or typing while driving is dumb and dangerous (and yes, I know I'm going to offend someone by saying that, but it's true).
More games that I've heard of-I'm not a big gamer, but it would be nice to have some more options for strategy and tactical games. Right now the Handango options are pretty thin. Ghost Recon anyone?
A reasonably priced MS-Office for BB package-I know, there's one available, but $100 for a piece of BB software is just beyond me when I'll just be using it to add to a couple spreadsheets occasionally and maybe touch up a document or two. $29.95 and I'm sold.

Maybe I'll get lucky and some of the things I'm dreaming of are already out there.