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Old 04-21-2007, 08:22 PM   #2
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
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Wirelessly posted (8703e Sprint: BlackBerry8703e/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/104)

I have had up to 3000 contacts in my BB with over 3 years of appointments in the calendar. Never had it crash due to this, except when I had an older BB with only 8MB of memory. The memory capacity is now 64MB, and the newer models have memory card slots.

That being said, I would have to say that I realized one day that I really only used 1/3rd of the contacts in my BB on a semi regular basis, and have since scaled down to only about 1300.

Keep in mind that the memory capacity will be different for each user. A contact that you have only an email address for takes up less space (fewer MBs) than a contact that you have 2 email addresses, home phone, mobile phone, fax number, notes and a category assigned. And, the number of contacts you can hold is also dependent on the number of other applications you have loaded. It is not an exact science.

My advice would be to get one of the newer Blackberries with a memory card, and take some time to clean up your database. Spring Cleaning ehh? You can create a back-up file of all your data on the Blackberry on a periodic basis. This way, if you need to go back to a previous date you can just refer to the backup file.

Overall, the benefits of having a BB versus the Treo are absolutely worth making the switch. I used a Treo 700wx for about 2 weeks before switching back to a Blackberry. It is just a much smarter, more intuitive device than the Treo, unless you want to surf the web and play games. If you're email intesive and/or you make a lot of calls from your contacts/calendar/any application, the Treo is no match for the Blackberry.