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Old 06-01-2008, 12:40 AM   #14
New Member
Join Date: Jun 2008
Model: 8130
Carrier: Verizon
Posts: 1

OK, here's the deal. The critical thing to check is the voltage. The maximum current is driven/controlled by the internal circuitry in the device.
Check the charger to see what the voltage rating is. The voltage rating for my newly obsoleted V3M home charger is 5V @ 850mA. The rating for my shiny new 8130 wall charger is 5V @ 700mA. Now, I also have a wall charger for the V3M that is rated at a lower current. It still works, but it takes longer to charge.
If you use a charger that has a higher output current rating, but the output voltage rating is the same, then the device will only draw the current that it needs to charge the battery and you should be fine. I just got my phone and accessories, and will be returning the car charger that I paid $27 for because I know that I can use the V3M charger. Unfortunately, Verizon does not stamp the car chargers with ratings, but they have to be the same as the wall charger, or the phone would POP in your hands (or all over your car)!
Hope this helps.
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