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Old 09-23-2005, 02:47 PM   #43
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: May 2005
Location: WDC area
Model: 8703e
Carrier: Verizon Wireless
Posts: 29
Default Another Newb Question

Finally going to switch from Treo 650 to BB 7250 on VzW

Background: Currently use Fastmail (IMAP) to consolidate 4 POP accounts. I use ChatterEmail on Treo to pull mail to Treo as soon as it arrives in Fastmail account. Have folders and receive rules set up in Fastmail for newsletters and listserv messages that don't require immediate action. Also, I manually put into folders those inbox messages that are not time sensitive.

I'd like to eliminate FastMail and forward mail to my BIS account instead, but I find receive rules and folders indespensible. Also, want to be able to access these folders and inbox from either BB or Outlook.

Question: Can I do these things with a BIS account or do I need hosted BES service? Don't want polling FastMail account every 15 min. Can't use Redirector since my only computer, a laptop, frequently goes with me.

In advance, thanks for guidance.

- Jon

Last edited by jr39; 09-23-2005 at 02:50 PM.. Reason: Typo