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Old 02-26-2009, 08:26 AM   #123
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: North Aurora, IL
Model: 8900
Carrier: T-Mobile
Posts: 42

Through the BlackBerry Lounge the Garmin mobile app is only $79, you get a 20% discount.

I am currently trying the Garmin app on a 8900, and so far I am quite torn between whether or not to get it. It's a very nicely designed application, and get's you going within minutes. However, I found the GPS navigation to be quite quirky. I have a Garmin Nuvi 360 and have been using it for years. The BB Garmin App leads me to ways my Nuvi would have never sent me, and the bad part is that they make absolutely no sense. It was telling me to get off the highway 10 miles before I reached home, which made no sense at all. One time it told me that I would have to turn left in 500 meters, when in fact I knew I would have to turn right. When the intersection approached, it said to turn right. Hmmmm...

Also I don't like the electronic voice on the BB Garmin app, which I understand is streaming on demand, and probably because of that sounds very tinny. While driving on a highway from Chicago to Aurora yesterday the app told me 3 times that it was recalculating my route, and when I looked on the screen it thought I had taken an exit. Weird.

When I use Google maps I see that my accuracy is within 3 meters, so GPS inaccuracy shouldn't be the problem.

Forget about reading any street names on the map, screen is way too small, and you might end up in an accident if you do.

With all that said, it sure is a nice application that ties in with Google local search, traffic and weather, and would be a nice backup to have in case you're travelling and don't have your regular GPS navigator with you.

Last edited by NorthAurora; 02-26-2009 at 08:27 AM..
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