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Old 09-15-2006, 07:20 AM   #18
BlackBerry Extraordinaire
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Ohio
Model: Dr01d
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I'm in the same boat as everyone else. Ordered from CC bright and early on Tuesday, got express shipping, and have been told the same thing every day. This was yesterday afternoon's conversation:

Them: "Looks like it hasn't shipped out yet... but don't worry! You should have it by Friday evening!"

Me: "How can that be, when it hasn't shipped out yet?"

Them: "Well, if they have to, they'll overnight it to you to get it there by Friday. And if it isn't there, just give us a call back."

EDIT: I just gave them a call this morning, and they (a) refunded my shipping charge, and (b) started some sort of individual handset tracking process, the results of which are supposed to appear in my email "sometime in the next 72 hours." The rep with whom I spoke said based on what she was seeing/hearing on her end that there was no way it would arrive today (Friday), and that it appeared to her that the devices may indeed be backordered, and that just hasn't been noted in their computer system yet. Hooray.

Last edited by kathrynhr; 09-15-2006 at 07:50 AM..