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Old 06-13-2008, 08:43 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by lisaskil View Post

After three years of waiting for Treo to get its act together and failing, I'm thinking about going Blackberry.

One of the things that I'm concerned about is the performance of third-party apps on the BB. My Treo has the Windows Mobile 5 software, and I know how bad app performance can be on that. (I would primarily run office productivity type apps: PDF reader, Word/Excel, and the like. I probably wouldn't use them daily--but enough to not want to be annoyed by their performance.)

I also noticed that the two models I'm looking at (8130, 8830) have half the memory (64MB Flash/32MB RAM) of the Treo (128MB Flash/64MB RAM).

Can anybody who's used these type of apps let me know how the performance is, and if you've had experience with the Treo w products, how it compares?

Thanks for your help!
One thing that most of the replies that you have received so far fail to mention is that at this moment your ability to edit in office productivity applications is quite limited. The Office suite is not available now -- Docs2Go will be available when OS 4.5 is officially released. Some other options also exist right now.

Don't get me wrong; I prefer the BB to the other options that are available for my needs, and it is much more stable. But you should probably do some more research and check out the aftermarket software that is available on the BB for what you must accomplish.

Last edited by djm2; 06-13-2008 at 08:44 AM..
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