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Old 05-13-2008, 08:34 PM   #19
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: May 2008
Model: 8320
Carrier: AT&T
Posts: 18

Originally Posted by Blackberryer View Post
Well, it hasn't quite been a year but with the announcement of the new 9000, I'm ready to come back to the RIM fold. The iPhone is a lot of fun, but I find myself missing the productivity features and a real keyboard. If I used the iPod portion of the device more, I would have appreciated it to a greater extent. I don't, so it looks like the Bold has the perfect combination of features I'm looking for. Especially if I read the press release correctly that it would be able to render full HTML web pages.
I agree with you. Once the "wow" factor wore off the iphone, i realized it was missing a lot of the features I wanted.. The web browsing is nice, but I don't like the on screen keyboard.. I like the feel of actual keys etc.. Also, I get emails constantly throughout the day and BB's are the king of mobile email. Not to mention native instant messaging and java..

I couldn't wait for the Bold so I splurged and bought an 8320 Curve this morning. Should be here by Friday or sooner. Can't wait!
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