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Old 04-10-2008, 03:28 PM   #23
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Ummm just a curious question (If i'm thinking he's doing what it sounds like)....Why not just install BES on that server and use MSDE (unless you have access to SQL)?

Seems silly to install on OS say Server 2003 on the physical box. Then you install VirtualPC/VMWare on that box. Once its up you install your Virutal Server 2003 OS so you can install BES on that. You would be stuck with only 4GB of memory to spread around the base OS and the Virtuals. So it seems to me that is a very big waste of resources and time that could be better spent.

I would recommend going to ESX. I'm running my ESX Box on a Dell 2950 with 2 dual core processors and 16GB of memory. I have 4 Virtual Servers installed on this box. Two Blackberry Servers with close to 520 users, One SQL 2005 Server and One other called Zenprise which is a Enterprise Blackberry/Exchange Monitoring System. With ESX I can also pool resources (Memory and Processors) between the virtual servers which you can't do with the free versions.

Last edited by Urlryn; 04-10-2008 at 03:31 PM..
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