Thread: 4.5 Os
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Old 03-28-2008, 05:02 PM   #8
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
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Question about 4.5

I have loaded os on my 8320. Everything works great except I seem to be missing Blackberry Maps. Blackberry maps is checked in desktop manager... I am on t-mobile and have an 8320. I checked the lbs.alx and even replaced it in hopes that the icon would show up on the screen.

That appears to be the only thing missing for me from the beta. I do have to say, on BES, the device is twice as fast and responsive then It is so much easier to read emails with the new format... as well as if you have security colors enabled... you no longer have lines running through the email like a candy stipe.. but the color is actually the background outside the bubbles.

I have reloaded the whole os from scratch twice and can't get blackberry maps. I will not share where or how I got it so don't ask..

btw... I think the leak is from a "chinese" provider.... Some of the alx files are geared towards installing more cod's for chinese.

Anyone else as daring as me to load it? do you have blackberry maps working? does it have poi?

Last edited by dietcoke; 03-28-2008 at 05:04 PM.. Reason: more info
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