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Old 02-10-2008, 12:06 PM   #88
CrackBerry Addict
Join Date: Jan 2008
Model: 8830
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Posts: 755

Is there a way to COPY an appt?

My habit from my HP 200 palmtop days (recent), was to set a sort of pre-appt earlier in the week just to remind me of the real appt. So I would set the appt for say, Feb 14, 2pm, dentist. Then I could COPY that whole dataset (time, dentist) to say, Feb 10 and paste it there. That way, 4 days before, I would get my first hint.

I don't see anything like that other than copying just the text "dentist" and then going to the 10th and setting all other settings.

Thanks in advance
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