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Old 02-02-2008, 12:14 PM   #51
BlackBerry Extraordinaire
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Grimlin (& Audible),

Just got to the end of a file, so can definitely confirm the early cutoff, although that's obviously not news. I'd rank that as one of the highest priorities to fix though, very frustrating.

Possibly next in line for me, in terms of what I'd like to see fixed as priority, are the ridiculous delays for "buffering." I've now timed it, and hitting the '1' key for 30 second backup takes MORE than 30 seconds of buffering time. But the MOST frustrating is - after I've had to stop listening and then come back to the book, I like to back up a minute or so and start there for continuity and to remind me of what was going on in the book. No matter which order I do it in, that requires 3 things - two '1' clicks to go back 1 minute, and then pressing the trackball for "play." And no matter which order, that results in three SEPARATE "buffering" delays of over 30 seconds each! So to restart, it takes almost two full minutes before I'm listening again. That's just nuts! If I've just backed up 30 seconds or a minute, THEN press PLAY - it should NOT have to do the buffering AGAIN to rebuffer what it just finished buffering. They need some logic in the program to say "we just finished buffering that, no need to buffer it again."
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