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Old 11-20-2007, 05:32 PM   #133
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Join Date: Oct 2007
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Posts: 39

So... I've decided to use imap, gmail only on my BIS. Just to see the full functionality of it. Here is what I've found:

Yes, you can delete from BB and instantly Outlook & Gmail automatically archive the email.

If you archive from gmail or Outlook, it will not delete from you BB, ***RIGHT AWAY*** It does however, delete the email from your BB given a few hours or so. I've seen it go for 3 and 16 hours before it actually deletes off the BB.

When I receive emails on BB, it doesn't feel like it's polling every 15 minutes. I had a treo and it had a set time exactly 5 (you could set it to 5 minutes) minutes later you knew you were getting mail. On the BB sometimes I'll get like 3 or 4 messages all at once, so I figure, maybe it just polled and that's why they all came suddenly. But then, 3 minutes later i'll get another one. When I look at the time sent on the email, it was sent right then! Like instant push.

Still, if I send from BB email program, nothing shows up in my sent folder on the Gmail server. But this is easily fixed by sending from Gmail app for BBs.

To me it sounds like the two-way sync technology IS there, but needs to be worked on. Can't wait for that day to come!
Ryan Mills
The M & M Team
Prudential California Realty
(818) 917-7782
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