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Old 10-03-2007, 08:30 PM   #1
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: FL
Model: 8320
Carrier: Tmobile
Posts: 31
Thumbs up Got my new 8320 with Tmo Hotspot@Home...

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Liking it so far. It is not quite as solid feeling as my old 8800 (which is now pretty much a paperweight...don't ask), but I do like the slightly slimmer profile which fits better in my girl hands and in a pants pocket. The speaker definitely seems a little more clear and loud. I like the grey/chrome color which is much easier to see when sitting at the bottom of a purse. I do think the keypad on the 8800 is better though. I liked the raised keys.

Had no problem hooking up to my wifi router at home (netgear g) and the calls were super loud and clear...much clearer than the Tmobile voice connection from my house. Now if my workplace would put up a wifi network! My office is right above the data center so it's like trying to make a call sitting right on top of an em field.

I did notice a tiny bit of a slow down in my internet and TIVO....but I was running the phone, TIVO, and internet on my laptop all at the same time. Considering that and the fact that it was raining, it wasn't really that noticeable. My router is also one of the first "g" models from netgear so maybe the newer models handle the multiple services a little better.

I also got the promotional price from Tmo which is $9.99 a month for as long as you have the service. Since I have an 1000 minute plan already it is not really giving any savings but the low price was to good to pass up...half of what it will be in the future. I figure maybe I'll find some other uses for this along the way.

Questions for everyone are you using your wifi?

Update: just noticed that the keyboard is lighted. That is definitely a plus when you are asleep in bed and want to type a quick message without turning on the lights.

Last edited by mkatwilder24; 10-03-2007 at 08:42 PM..
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