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Old 07-01-2007, 10:54 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by harryzuluberries View Post
Somewhat guilty as charged. I, however said "serious businessmen." 1st gen technology+shortened R&D cycles+fickle consumers who will leave a carrier for devices rather than signal/call quality (in their area)+Did I mention 1st gen tech=Not the greatest device (1st gen) for a business person who needs bomb proof real-time email, data, etc.

I'd love to have the disposable income to run out and purchase one to play with, so I'm not a hater. Just a realist. And if I was looking into purchasing a device to help me keep track of and run a medium to large enterprise I would avoid first gen tech like the plague...for the most part. I was in a position at one point where I was assisting certain individuals with their small and large ticket tech purchases and I would always tell them that latest doesn't always equal greatest......there's a reason why things are called bleeding/cutting edge technology. lol.
i would totally agree with this also, case in point VISTA, which as we know blows in comparison to xp pro sp2, although not really first gen here, still along those lines. I will say, even though it's only been 48 hours 1st gen or not, it is a very impressive device, overall i agree with you bb is king in the e-mail app dept but im curious to see what quick updates come out and where this purported "mecca" of mobile commuication technology takes us...
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