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Old 03-24-2007, 09:30 PM   #20
CrackBerry Addict
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Here's my take on this! BG speculated that the 8300 could roll out as soon as 3 to 4 weeks, while this sounds crazy to alot us because of the 8800 just being released, it making perfect sense from a business point of view! RIM knows that the launch of the 8300 will raise them to the top of the food chain in the ever expanding world of smartphones and pda's. So what they do is roll out the 8800, and we all get excited about a new device launch and buy one. Then BOOM, they drop the 8300 series on our lap. They know that along with the rest of the world, alot of us are going to go out and pick up the 8300 when just weeks ago we already got the 8800. They'll have there loyal following along with a slew of new people just drooling over the idea of a BLACKBERRY with a camera and a full keyboard. Classic sales tactics to draw more unit sales. We could all sit around and be mad at RIM for tricking us, but at the end of the day alot of us are going to go out and pick up the 8300 the day it comes out!
I know I will!