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Old 03-22-2005, 10:26 PM   #3
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Jan 2005
Model: Bold
Carrier: ATT
Posts: 35

Notes 6.0.x

So I finally figured out what is going on. Not necessarily with the usernamePassword on the same line but with the overall functionality.

I originally installed the Mail Connector application on my laptop. I then installed it on a home pc. Well it turns out that Mail Connector is placed into a startup script and whenever I would "exit" the application gracefully, Mail Connector still left a process running on my laptop.

So I had two Mail Connectors competing for email from the same account, this was causing Mail Connector to more or less crash. Bottom line, I was not getting any email forwarded.

I finally discovered the process running on my laptop and killed it, went 5 days without losing connectivity between my BB using the Mail Connector and my Notes account. Today, I cleaned up the laptop by uninstalling Mail Connector.

Hope this helps if anyone runs into the pain I have been through.
