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Old 03-18-2005, 07:01 PM   #7
New Member
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 2

Thanks very much for your comments as they did provide some interesting insight. All in all I think I would still prefer my treo because of its form factor as a phone (I want to get one one device) but Im somewhat glad to know the capabilities have improved over what I have been seeing as of late (must have all been older models) and if forced to switch I'll have most functions.

I will say im not so sure about editing documents from the server side that has to be pretty slow if you need to navigate around a bit?

I also want to note that although I used to be a big grafiti and touchscreen person. with the 5way navigation button I am able to cruise all around the screen to what I need and rarely take the stylus out (might touch with a finger once a week).

I would love to put the two head to head with someone like yourself that is more knowledgeable about BB and not Pig headed to see what it can do. For instance as a frequent traveler I have American Airlines full airline schedule onboard my treo at all times to check flight times, Or the use of encrypted password data bases for computer emails, frequent flyer info..., and as well I keep a couple dozen techincal PDFs onboard a 1gig SD card that I can email, pull out and stick in a memory stick type device or show/use for onscreen reference.

Time will tell but thanks again for you comments and please feel free to comment more or if anyone else has thoughts I'd love to hear them.
