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Old 08-08-2006, 06:17 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by BERDucky
so you mean your not getting your email to your handheld yes?

how long ago did you add the account? it takes 20 mins to state wokring then polls every 15 mins after

how much email is seen on the IMAP access? you may have to have your IT check on this

it's possible that they enabled IMAP access but no email is being redirected to the IMAP server - therefor no email for the BIS to grab

hope this makes sense

I configured the account on BIS 2 days ago.

With regards to how much email is seen on the IMAP access, my IT tells me that they generally keep about 25MB online.

if its possible that they enabled IMAP access but no email is being redirected to the IMAP server - how do i change this?

strange thing is that when i switched off my laptop for the night, i had about 30-40 mails waiting for me on my blackberry in the morning. But i dont receive any emails during the day??

Thanks !!