Thread: What BB to get?
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Old 03-06-2006, 12:23 PM   #1
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Default What BB to get?

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I've been reading these forums for a while now trying to sort out what would be the right solution for me, and I'm still a little lost with all the different models and features and networks and plans, it all makes my head spin to try and figure out what I should get. So, I'm curious to know what people here who are BB-heads would get if they were in my situation.

I'm not looking for a BB for what most people want it for. I want a device that can receive email pager notifications (I'm a systems administrator and I need to have reliable and fast notifications of service problems). I need to be able to connect via ssh to my screen/irssi session on a remote server so I can connect with my work-mates. I need to be able to login and fix servers over ssh without raising my blood pressure higher because the lag or the screen or the keyboard is so irritating, but I have no choice because I'm not near a machine. I will read my email on the device, but I'm a terminal-head and use mutt, and I run my own mail servers and I don't want my mail to be going through BES or whatever. I can just ssh into my remote server and read mail there (if the screen and network lag is not too horrible). I will want to browse the web occasionally.

I dont need a lot of features, and am looking for inexpensive, so I certainly do not need the latest and greatest. I *think* I deduced from reading the forums that the best network to use is CDMA with verizon's unlimited data plan (although EV-DO seems to be faster, it requires a newer device).

What would you get and from where? I've seen 7250's for $99 after rebate (with service) over at

Thanks for helping me sort this out!