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Old 03-07-2013, 09:11 PM   #4
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
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Posts: 257
Default Re: Multiple BB10 (BDS 6.2) Servers and Locations?

Originally Posted by BTTech View Post
Hi All,

I have an architecture question about BDS 6.2 to support BB10 devices for Exchange. In the past with BES 5.x and earlier we would typically locate the BES server in the same datacenter as the Exchange servers. So for example if I had Exchange in Toronto and in Vancouver I would likely have a BES in each location.

So how is this architected for BDS 6.2? It now connects to Exchange via 443 and ActiveSync, so if my network was fast enought to support it would you just have one BDS server in say Toronto and it would connect over the WAN to the Vancouver Exchange servers?

Or would servers local still be recommended? I know there are may other factors to consider I am just looking to see if anyone has thought about this and has best practices or reasons for one architecture vs another.

And how do you know that BDS connects to Exchange over 443?

If you are talking about HA (high availability) then you need to look at something a long the lines of NeverFail but you have to have the infrastructure in place already so their application can test your network between server A and server B before they will even consider selling you a license.

If you don't have right infrastructure in place they will hand you a list back of things you need to fix before they will even talk you again.
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