Thread: The End of RIM
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Old 08-11-2012, 08:12 PM   #13
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Default Re: The End of RIM

Originally Posted by cinchdfw View Post
It isn't a matter of cost or of not wanting to learn another system for us.
I didn't say it was. In fact, I made a point of saying that it wasn't. My point was that many people/depts stick with things they know even when the users don't like what is provided. However, there is no denying such big falls in sales.

I've seen/used later models than mine, and seen OS7 in action, and they're not particularly impressive (to me) when considering what else is available. it isn't just me who thinks like that - my wife's company has just decided to get rid of them and are evaluating replacements. I know another company (a client) who will also replace them when their contract allows. Of course, I am sure someone here will know a company that has just decided to start using them, so the decisions of my contacts doesn't mean anything in itself.

Of course, some people will take exception to anyone criticising the love of their life, but when sales fall like they have, you can't hide from the facts for ever.
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