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Old 04-16-2012, 01:06 PM   #8
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Toronto Canada
Model: Q10
Carrier: Rogers
Posts: 439
Default Re: Latest OS Official 7.1 for the 9900 - WOO HOO

Finally a real (and the latest) OS7.1 for the 9900 stuck at the top of the 9000 thread!!!! Only took a couple of months.

On Rogers I get an option for 2g only. I actually set my phone for 3G/H+ only as I find on the upper floors on the office tower where I work, it will stay on H+ if I chose 3G/H+ as opposed to choosing 2G and 3G/H+ as it almost always goes down to EDGE. (I keep it in a charging pod)
On Rogers I can use hotspot without any nag, although I do have teathering on my plan (at no cost), so that may be why. Rogers quietly started a couple of years ago to charge for teathering, I think. Don't know the logic behind this, except to make money for Rogers. I just noticed a while ago that my bill itemized teathering and had/has a 0.00 charge for it.
I currently have two somewhat remote location where I spend weekends, holidays where neither cable or dsl internet are available (only an hour and a quarter north of Toronto - so much for broadband for all) so have been using a "turbo hub" from Bell for internet. I have used my 9900 hotspot (on Rogers) on a couple of occasions and it gets 2meg downloads which is twice as fast as the Bell turbohub. I may up my data plan with Rogers and replace the Bell turbohub as the preferred internet connection with my Roger's 9900 hotspot.
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