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Old 09-27-2011, 09:19 AM   #102
Latino Hasta La Muerte
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Default Re: How Is The Battery Life?

The 9700 is still a great device. It's just that the 9900 is MUCH faster at EVERYthing. The processor is so much faster. The 9900 is also a larger device, making the keyboard much more user-friendly for folks with larger hands.

The trackball was a dog. Prone to dirt accumulation and failure. This problem reached it's peak on the 9630 Tour, and the trackball failure alone was enough to get me to upgrade to the 9650.

Hopefully somebody like Seidio will produce a higher capacity battery that will fit in the standard configuration, no hump-back battery door. RIM made a design decision, seeing the mania for slim devices, and the battery capacity was sacrificed to the fickle will of the Gods of Consumer Preferences. It's still better than any Android device I've owned, and it's within 10% of my 9650 in terms of battery life, but it's definitely a (small) step back.
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