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Old 07-20-2011, 03:18 PM   #9
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Default Re: Who else is really dissapointed?

Originally Posted by Tom View Post
That's exactly it. I don't by any means condone the release of a half-baked device, but I do think that they can easily release a new device every quarter. It would keep their customers happy and loyal, and certainly it would help their numbers and projections. When you have so many departments, employees and so forth.. the least you could do is make them productive.
When you're in the mindset (Jim, Mike and other executives I'd say) of being business oriented, why would you release a new device every 6 months?

This is a company that for years refused to be pushed by the markets on how to conduct themselves.

"A Blackberry will never have a camera" and "A Blackberry will never play music" are incredibly stubborn views from a company that didn't see a point in the consumer market.

These days, we all know they're giving a go at the consumer space, but I still think they're too business oriented. Their cycles of development are incredibly long, their releases almost always seem delayed... and their products do not compete against other consumer offerings.

I've seen the 9900 around, and there seem to be enough RIM employees with them in Waterloo that it might actually launch at the end of August (as these internal Bell and Rogers documents have supposedly shown)

Will OS 7 be a major step ahead of OS 6? It will have to be. Will the hardware be a major step up? For the most part I think so.

Will the new devices launch and inspire developers to come on over to create apps? Doubtful.

I can only say I hope they can move onward and upward quickly in the next couple of quarters.

Just my view, from everything I've read from friends who are senior employees in multiple departments ... and well, just my gut feeling
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